Just one more comment....my ex wife is from Florida, and you can get good 'gator tail there! That's one thing I don't think you can get most other places. Now, I don't miss it, because I am not there, but if I go there, I will eat it, as well as the good BBQ and fresh OJ...
So what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? See, you are completely missing the point. Assuming your ex is in Seattle. What does YOU not craving something good from HER home do to prove your argument. Let's take your own example a bit further to help you see why people may be taking offense (since you don't seem to get it on your own).
Now, I'm using a bit of imagination, so try to stay with me even if your ex isn't like this. Say she is from Florida and maybe knows a few people in Washington who also had Florida ties. She may enjoy also eating whole foods, organic, locally sourced, whatever. One day, she finds out that a shop near the Seattle Market is bringing in some gator tail that is just like what she had all through her childhood. Now, she wouldn't be going there every day or shopping there exclusively, but if she called her friends to tell them what she found and every now and again went there for a taste of her home, is she violating all your dearly held principles?
Would you dream of telling her that even though she has been eating well and has adjusted nicely to the local culture that she should not treat herself a few times a year to that little taste of home because that would mean she is not properly adjusted to Washington life? Or let's say gator tail is really fatty. If it is, is she being disgusting if she is healthy nearly all of the time but every now and again treats herself? Would you "laugh your ass off" at her if you heard one comment to a fellow Floridian saying that you can find gator near the market and self-righteously assert that she doesn't know how to live like a true Seattle resident and that she is living a worse lifestyle than you because of the odd treat from her childhood.
I'm willing to bet you eat plenty of stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with Seattle or even American heritage, but none of us accuse you of being unassimilated for it or unhealthy. What in the world would make you think we don't enjoy a good stilton or fresh, local ingredients? You are making quite a lot of wrong presumptions based on no experience and being rather snippity in how you go about it.