Ya'll are taking me way too seriously, and some way too funny ( nice accent thar!). I guess I grew up eating things like cool whip and velveeta cheese only to realize that there are ways to make sauces without a mix, and cooking mac and cheese w/o a box was easy and more delicious. I guess I like Jamie Oliver. I love a good burger...but not one from McDonalds. I spent most of my life as an obese person, and having lost 110 pounds in the last 4 years has made me change the way I eat. So perhaps that is my prejudice. I like the word foodie because I just like good food...and am not an expert, so that is the best word I can find. Some people don't like it-- no biggie. I guess, if I am to make the choice to leave the place I was born because I want something different, I want to embrace all of it. If I lived in the Netherlands, I probably would never adjust to true Dutch fare, but they have enough variety of other ethnic foods that I could handle it. Sneeballen in Germany are nasty, but a lot of other things aren't. I guess I just feel more at home in some places in the UK and Europe than I do here. That has to do with the food, the people and the politics and the proximity to other cultures that make me think beyond my own human experience. After a youth spent killing myself with the foods mentioned earlier in this thread, I guess I am like an ex-smoker....they hate smoking more than those who never smoked. I don't expect anyone to agree with me here, but I also don't expect to be attacked for differing point of view.