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Topic: Please help, any tips, suggestions!! Deadline to get UK driving licence ;-(  (Read 1063 times)

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Hi guys,
I need help as I have found all the information very confusing...
-Do I need a provisional license first or to schedule the writing test?
-I'm traveling out of the country on October so sending my passport makes me uneasy.
-How difficult/long the whole process really is?
-Do I have to send my Illinois license?
-How many ID proof they need? NI, Passport with ILR, birth cert, marriage cert?
I would really appreciate any tips or suggestions as i need my license asap for work purposes.
Many thanks,

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1. You need your provisional license in order to schedule the theory test.

2. I sent my passport (recorded, with an enclosed pre-addressed/pre-paid recorded envelope for return), and got it back in about 10 days. This was last summer, though.

3. Not sure what you mean by "the whole process". You have to get your provisional license, take your theory test, and then take your practical test. How long it takes depends on how quickly you can schedule/pass the tests.

4. You don't need to send your US license.

5. Not sure, as I sent in my UK passport. I think a passport is the only thing they require, though.
Moved to London February 5, 2010

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Are you driving already?  Or do you plan to take lessons?  This will significantly impact the time the "whole process" will take. 

You can schedule your theory test immediately after recieving your provisional license back and there usually isnt a waiting list for test slots, so this can happen pretty quickly, but there is usually a long (at least a few weeks) wait time for practical test appointments.  If you find you feel ready for the test before you can get an appointment, try this website: http://www.drivingtestcancellations.co.uk/

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Thank you both for your prompt responses- and yes Mirrajay, I'm driving at the moment but not only need to get my license for working purposes as soon as possible but I'm leaving the country in October and need my passport, so I hope 2 months is more than enough? I hope so...

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If you feel you are ready to pass the practical test now and are just waiting on the Provisional and the theory test, then 2 months may just be enough.

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You need to look into booking a practical test in your area.  Sometimes it takes a while to get a spot.

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Your passport won't be away from you for the whole process. You get it back once you have your provisional licence, and iirc you only send in the provisional to get the full one after you pass your test.
Arrived as student 9/2003; Renewed student visa 9/2006; Applied for HSMP approval 1/2008; HSMP approved 3/2008; Tier 1 General FLR received 4/2008; FLR(M) Unmarried partner approved (in-person) 27/8/2009; ILR granted at in-person PEO appointment 1/8/2011; Applied for citizenship at Edinburgh NCS 31/10/2011; Citizenship approval received 4/2/2012

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Yes, get your tests booked ASAP! The next practical test was more thn two months out when I signed up for mine. I think I had to wait 10 weeks.

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