This is a bit ridiculous, but I'm having difficulty being decisive, so I am going to present you with 2 potential travel plans and you tell me which one you would do.
I am going to a friend's exhibition opening tonight. I live out in the boonies without a car. BF will be at work when I leave so he can't drive me. Now, the costs are roughly the same, as I have a railcard that gives me a discount. My problem is that the only bus I can get home is way later that I would like it to be. The event is from 5-7. I can't decide if I want the convenience of just getting on the bus and that being that, or if I want the ability to get home earlier. Here are my options:
BUS:Out2:33PM Get bus from house into village - 10 minutes
3.25PM Get bus into Edinburgh from village - 1 hour 10 minutes
Arrive Edinburgh 30 minutes in advance of event.
Return8:25PM Get bus from Edinburgh to village - 1 hour 5 minutes
9:30PM Have BF pick me up from village.
TRAIN:Out2:55PM Get bus from house into town - 20 minutes
3:23PM Get train from town to another town - 30 minutes
4:22PM Get train from other town to Edinburgh - 50 minutes
Arrive Edinburgh 15 minutes after event starts.
Return7:24PM Get train from Edinburgh to big town - 35 minutes
8:16PM Get train from big town to town near me - 30 minutes
8:42PM Have BF pick me up from town
I'm leaning toward bus, but I hate the idea of hanging around for an hour and a half. That's how I end up spending money I don't have to entertain myself!
Also, I can leave from home later if I take the train. What would you do??