I am not saying there isn't a reason to be angry and things to be addressed. I am not even against protesting and standing up to the government, even if that means that the police and media paint you as thugs. I do have something against stupid violence and destroying communities.
I totally agree. The first night you might be able to say people got caught up in the emotion, maybe.
But now they are just thugs. I don't understand why they aren't just saying that other cities are closing the centres down. It isn't as if people are going to get the idea to riot from that. They already have the idea, it just shows that the police are on top of things.
Completely agree with both statements here.
The riots of the 80s, there was something behind it (the black community being targeted by the MET, racism and more) but this is just pure evil. Theres no reason for any of this to be happening. If the government actually came back home instead of sticking their heads in the sand of their holiday villas maybe some of this wouldnt be happening, or at least not be as bad as it is.. I mean, its taken at least 3 days for that boff Boris to get back. Not that, I think Labour would be any better, just it be nice for someone high ranking to come out and make a clear statement.
Rumours have it that its about to kick off in Leeds and Manchester.. *fingers crossed*