This is a great thread I appreciate your effort and time in maintaining.
I have a couple of things to add to previous posts:
Upgrades: many airlines don't give upgrades to everybody. There is the official company policy, and then there is the human policy. Being nice to check-in and gate agents is key, but how you are dressed can make a difference. Yeah, not fair but airlines are sensitive to customers who actually paid full fare for seats in Biz or 1st. Unless you are a celebrity (and even they get denied), talking with an agent about getting an upgrade while dressed like an extra from Walking Dead, could mean someone else gets your upgrade. If you want that comfy seat, it's worth the little effort to dress in comfortable (not necessarily expensive) clothes you'd wear to a casual dinner with the boss.
One thing I started doing after a mid air bump caused me to arrive with a massive shirt stain smack in the center of my boobs, is to carry a change of tops. I started this when flying with my kids when they were young. I'd stick one of my tshirts in their little carry ons. After we took off, I'd put the tshirts on over the clothes they wore. Because it was long on them, it caught spills better than a bib or a napkin. Before we touched down, t-shirts off, kids picture ready for hugs from grandma with outfits ready for duty another day. So now I do the same for myself. It can be any top I don't care about getting stained and if I already got the upgrade, who cares how it looks!