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Topic: Cost of Dry Cleaning  (Read 1312 times)

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Cost of Dry Cleaning
« on: September 04, 2004, 11:48:14 AM »
Can anyone tell me what they pay on average in the UK for dry-cleaning?

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Re: Cost of Dry Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2004, 02:38:00 AM »
Well, we just dry cleaned some suits - £5.50 each, and had shirts washed -£1.30 each.  That is the price in Essex (it may differ in other locations).

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Re: Cost of Dry Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 09:35:01 AM »
gr. I just had 2 sofa pillows, 2 pairs of trousers, and a dress done for £22.50 :(  That's in battersea (south london).  I think it depends on where you go - shop around a bit.  I think this place is a tad overpriced.

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Re: Cost of Dry Cleaning
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2004, 08:33:42 PM »

But a mang gots to do what a mang gots to do!!

I have only found one cleaner so far in Bath, and the time is nigh to get some cleanin' done -- guess I'll have to buckle up and pay a big fee like I have with everything else!

thanks for the replies, folks!

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Re: Cost of Dry Cleaning
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2004, 11:39:23 AM »
All I know is that our cleaners is flat out highway robbery.   But I guess we're paying for the convenience of it too.  He picks up our laundry/dry cleaning and drops it off at our doorstep.  My weekly bill is somewhere around 60 or 70.  Our bill this week was 85 but I did have two pairs of pants tailored also.  A suit is £8.50 :o  But they know me, my clothes they pick up, drop-off, etc.  I even had them do some tailoring for me this past week without me going to the store to get fitted.  All I did was give them a pair of some other pants that I had tailored for an example and viola - they're done.

I  must say when they do my husband's shirts for work the ironing is not the best.  Even with them heavily starched.  I've used about three to four difference stores and have experienced the same everywhere with getting shirts back that are wrinkled even when ironed with starch.  I don't know if they use a different chemical here vs. the states or whatever but I still haven't found a dry cleaning place that I really like where I get back my clothes wrinkle-free.

BUT....... my work they have a dry cleaning store in our building so I'm going to try them and see how they fair.  Prices are better then what we're paying now.  One of my suits would be 4.50 as opposed to 8.50.  Half the price.

All-in-all since living here I found the dry cleaning stores in my neck of the woods are very expensive and not good at ironing (much more than what I was paying when in NYC) and the quality is definitly not there.

So I'll keep on searching and settle for mediocre quality, wrikled sleeves and crushed collars.  ::)

P.S. Jim here's the cleaners I currently use.  You can use them as just one example to check out their prices, compare and decide for youself.    http://www.milliganstreet.co.uk/
« Last Edit: September 18, 2004, 11:42:40 AM by NYState_of_Mind »
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