While I agree that learning to not run off is a good skill, my daughter is just 13 months and learning lessons like that is rather difficult for her age. I would love to hear how you taught your daughter not to run off when she was learning to walk - tips?
When she was learning to walk we held both her hands and walked her all over the house, and when we went out we did the same thing. Yes, it's time consuming and a little hard on the back but it was well worth it and after she became more steady on her feet we just went to holding one of her hands. She learned that if she wants to go where there are people/traffic/cars that she must hold our hand or she doesn't go. We've also followed through on that with her on a few occaisions where we took her somewhere she wanted to go, such as a playcentre, and we got out of the car and she refused to hold hands to walk across the carpark to the building. She was promptly put back in the car and we went home.
The reason I called it 'lazy parenting' is that the way that we've gotten to this point has been more time consuming than just putting a leash on her and ignoring her as we went along. The reason I say that is because the people that I personally have observed using the harness/leash systems don't pay attention to their child and it was something that they used so they could just drag the kid along or ignore them while they're shopping. I lived in Derby and observed this mainly in City Centre which ironically is 99% Pedestrianised so the arguments about so they're safe from traffic really doesn't ring true. Also in the 32 years I've lived in California I've not seen a child being leashed.
I don't doubt that most will take offense to that and disagree with me...which seems to happen when I voice my opinions around here. But I covered that in another topic and will leave it at that.
Whatever choices you make for your child you have to make them and not worry about what other people think, because only you know your child best and know what they will respond to. Whatever you do someone will think you're wrong and you just have to let it roll off your back.
Best of luck to you with the move.