The truth of the matter is, unless they can come up with birth control for animals, if everyone stopped eating meat the world would quickly become overpopulated with animals. The overpopulation would cause a shortage of food for the animals, among other problems. That is not to say I don't think they could and should have more human living conditions for most of the animals bred for food, but I am being realistic.
Fast food is meant to be a treat, and it is up to the individual person to choose how much or how little he/she eats of it.
You're realistic to some extent, but for the most part, I don't agree with your argument. I didn't say anything about not eating meat at all. The problem lies more with factory farms, NOT real and genuine, ethical farmers (of whom, I'm sure have no problem controling the population of their own animals). 99% of meat comes from factory farms in the US. The animals are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics and made to live in cramped, filthy, dark- basically cruel conditions (many go insane and some result to cannibalism). Many new viruses have resulted from factory farms, as well as plenty of pollution (land, water and air [did you know that the US is the most polluted country in the world?]). The horrifying E. Coli is even gained in these farms from feeding cows a diet on corn and other grains (which causes other health problems). Many bacteria become resilient to antibiotics due to the overusage of the antibiotics (some people have even become allergic to many antibiotics because of this). The Food Industry (Agriculture, included) is horribly, horribly corrupt. There is a lot more on this that I can say.... I would suggest watching: Food, Inc, Fast Food Nation, Earthlings; and even reading Eating Animals and The Omnivore's Dilemma. (not telling you to go Vegatarian, but to be more aware and even concerned about your food).
The world is vastly populated with people, which causes more habitats being overtaken, more pollution, more animals on the brink of or even becoming extinct, and even people suffering. Destruction overall. Isn't this a problem?
I don't see more fast food restaurants in the UK being a good thing. Also, I would never consider unhealthy garbage a treat but a punishment to my body. :p