I'd been laid off that July, so I was at home. About 10 minutes after my daughter and her friend headed off for school, the TV showed the first plane hitting the Towers. I remember thinking, "That poor pilot probably had a heart attack, and now his or her family is going to have to listen to people threatening to sue and saying bad things about their loved one." When I saw footage of the second plane hitting, I knew it was no accident.
Irrationally, I wanted to run down to the school and bring my daughter home. I called the school and asked if they were closing and I should get my daughter, and they said it was business as usual there. I left her there in hopes they'd provide a normal day's experience for her.
I remember seeing the TV coverage of these events 24/7 for 4-5 days. I must have cried rivers. My daughter was 11 then, and I showed her the fighter jets flying overhead, explaining to her that they were there to help us be safe.
Two days later, the power in our apartment complex failed. When my daughter got home from school, I told her the power was off. She looked up, then looked at me and asked, "Are they (meaning the terrorists) coming to get us?" I told her, "No, it's just a power failure." I reminded her of the jets overhead and we got power back a couple hours later.