I'm interested in responses to this too. We've started selling things, mainly the obvious things. But now we're moving onto the more difficult choices. I have things like a yoga mat, for example, that I don't technically *need*, and I might not use for several months, but eventually I'll probably buy again.
My issue is not with sentimental stuff - I moved a suitcase of that stuff over last year - but worrying about spending money to replace perfectly good items that I have cleared out. But on the other hand, if I keep all these "might use" items, then it's extra work packing and more expensive to ship.
So far I'm thinking we'll bring:
-Half of our clothes and shoes. That might be painful

-Maybe the duvet, and definitely two sets of duvet covers and two blankets, but no sheets
-4 computers (yes, really. A laptop, a server, and two desktops)
-Pots, pans, silverware etc. But not any breakable stuff
-Kitchenaid and Cuisinart. I'm still mulling this over, but I think it will be cheaper to bring them in the long run
-A few tools
-One or two small boxes of books
-A tent and sleeping pad
-Two fairly large framed pictures
-A few bits and pieces like throws, small rug, couple of board games, binoculars, cameras etc
-DVDs without cases, although they are all on the computer now...
We'll leave our snowboarding gear here with the in laws, and I guess it's possible that we'll leave one or two more things depending on how the packing goes.
Things I'm sad to leave behind:

It's only three years old.
-Kitchen appliances - my breadmaker, little food processor etc. I have my kitchen nicely set up here.
-The rest of my camping gear. Happy memories, and stuff I'll end up buying again anyway.
-A couple of nice, but breakable, casserole dishes
-Tools (electric stuff), mainly because of the cost to replace
-The car

-All the consumables eg. contents of the food cupboard, toiletries etc. Mostly because that adds up to a whole lot of money!
Thankfully I don't care about our furniture - we're still in the futon/Ikea stage of life!
When we told our in laws we were moving, they started talking about all the things they wanted. We had to gently remind them that we do need to make money out of some of the items!