I thought of this thread last night when I discovered the weird horribleness that is SumoTV. It's basically a channel which shows old programming, with some blocks being surreal, cut up public service films, footage with different soundtracks, old commercials, and so on. They showed the monkeys on cycles last night. I'd never even heard of the monkeys before this thread. I think they screwed around with it though unless the original had flashes of an evil looking clown and cackling when one of the monkeys had their mishaps.
My stuff: this time of year being a "season" leading up to Halloween. TV channels showing long blocks of horror flicks, even the networks sometimes throwing in a made for TV scary movie or an older film. Decorations. The smell of autumn. The first frost. The leaves about in full colour or just past (breathtaking). Eating apples and ending up with the consequences. We used to get them every year from the orchards and where ever we stored became infused with apple smells. Cider. October is probably my favourite month, and it all comes from my childhood.