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Topic: How much do you spend on groceries?  (Read 4648 times)

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2011, 06:51:19 PM »
For my family of 5, with husband here about half the time, we average £120 per week, but that includes everything I get so it will also include washing up liquid etc... also we only eat meat 2 or 3 times a week and one of my kids is a vegetarian so he doesn't eat it at all.

I shop at Asda once a week, then go to my local Sainsbury's fortop-ups during the week, and have found that Asda saves me approximately one boat-load of cash each week.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2011, 11:45:05 PM »
We spend about £40 - 50 a week for 2 plus a hungry 11 month old. We eat meat a couple of times a week, if that and I can't remember the last take a way or meal out . Pretty much everything is from scratch. I have started doing the shopping online and have a monthly planner of meals., but have also stopped taking my debit card to work as I would stop for milk and spend 15 quid.

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2011, 08:45:43 AM »
We do an online shop about once a month that's £70-80 (though that always includes at least £10 of cat litter, as well as toilet paper, household supplies, etc). We also get a veg box once a week, which runs to another £50 or so. Aside from that, we spend maybe £10-20 a month on milk, eggs, other incidentals that we pick up on the way home.

So £130-140/mo for 2 people, roughly. I'm vegetarian so we don't buy any meat unless the BF picks up a frozen meat-y lasagna or something.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2011, 10:16:26 AM »
We are a family of 4 and I mainly shop at Asda, sometimes Morrisons never ever Sainsbury's or Tesco. Never. And I find I spend about £100 every 10 days with a top up of fruit or veg.

YEsterday I spent £112 at Asda, and I went online for their Price Guarantee thingy and I got a voucher for £7.55 to spend on my next shop. Thats a good way to save some money.

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2011, 04:16:45 PM »
We average about £40 to £50 a week for the two of us, not including any meals out or takeaways. We buy all our fruit and veg fresh and eat a lot of both. I generally go to Morrisons but have tried other places. We try to not buy much in the way of treats, although we could both easily live on cakes, chocolate and crisps. I generally buy one treat a week. We get the occasional ready meal for lunches and have sandwiches or soup quite often for lunch. Evenings are nearly always made from scratch. We will either go months without a takeaway or have two in a week, it just varies.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2011, 07:35:20 PM »
We must be doing something wrong here... I am ordering Asda for home delivery and with food and other supplies like toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, ect...plus cleaning supplies we are spending like £200 every week and a half!

What are you guys having for your dinners?  To be honest, we are getting beer which is the most expensive... that actually might be the problem as we have gotten in the habit of drinking a few cans beer in the evenings!

Do you guys buy alcohol in your groceries??

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2011, 08:13:14 PM »
We must be doing something wrong here... I am ordering Asda for home delivery and with food and other supplies like toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, ect...plus cleaning supplies we are spending like £200 every week and a half!

What are you guys having for your dinners?  To be honest, we are getting beer which is the most expensive... that actually might be the problem as we have gotten in the habit of drinking a few cans beer in the evenings!

Do you guys buy alcohol in your groceries??

No, we sometimes buy water but we buy on a regular basis juices and milk of course.
What do we eat? We have had pork chops and hamburger meat recently. It has been a long time since we had a roast. Lamb unheard of. The less meat the better. Chicken is always very cheap and I'm tired of it.
I can't tell you what we mostly eat because I think I would hear a chorus of carbohydrates! from the list. (macaroni and cheese, spaghetti)

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2011, 08:37:53 PM »
We do a big ASDA shop about every 10 days with top ups in between for like produce, bread, and milk.  We spend about £50ish give or take depending if we need to buy toiletries or other home essentials that have run out.

Things we eat: eggs, cans of mixed beans and chopped tomatoes, pasta, pre seasoned cous cous, cheese, yogurt, nuts, juice, milk, mince, chicken fillets, fishcakes or fresh fish, rice, apples and clementines, onions, garlic, salad, pasta and curry sauce, just to give an idea.  We don't buy any prepackaged meals and I think that really helps us to save money.

online_girl, my husband and I like to have a few beers during the evenings, but we buy the chosen by ASDA 12 pack of the little bottles of De Luxe Biere for like £6(unless we feel like splurging for the weekend on a particular brand).  It's not amazing, but we both like it and the smaller bottles are nice.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 08:40:43 PM by Mandaree »
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2011, 11:51:48 PM »
We must be doing something wrong here... I am ordering Asda for home delivery and with food and other supplies like toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, ect...plus cleaning supplies we are spending like £200 every week and a half!

What are you guys having for your dinners?  To be honest, we are getting beer which is the most expensive... that actually might be the problem as we have gotten in the habit of drinking a few cans beer in the evenings!

Do you guys buy alcohol in your groceries??

We buy from ASDA as well, but we only spend about £50-55 every week for the two of us.  £200 would be practically our entire month's shop!

We don't buy alcohol but our typical weekly shop would be:

Milk, juices, butter, veg and fruit (lettuce, potatoes, carrots, peppers, apples, onions, mango occasionally), meat (beef mince, chicken, turkey, some pork), bread, crisps, biscuits, soda, cleaning supplies and hygiene supplies as needed, soup, canned tomatoes, pasta, yoghurt, sandwich meats.  Sugar, flour, etc as needed.  Spices as needed, condiments as needed.

We generally have bolognese, BBQ chicken, stir fry, bangers and mash, curry, sometimes a roast on Sunday, and so on.

ETA:  Def what Mandaree says.  Staying clear of pre-packaged things and ready meals is a big money saver.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:11:00 AM by Aquila »

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2011, 12:32:27 AM »
I didn't include beer in our total, but we have a friend who works in the warehouse of a brewery and can get us discounted beer. When a skid or stack falls over, they can't sell the beer, but can sell it to employees for a deep discount. Some bottles break but those that don't can't be sold to shops or pubs because they may or may not be defective even though the defects can't be seen to the naked eye. They can get it for family or friends at their price for huge savings. We usually average 33p per 500ml bottle by doing it that way. We don't get beer every week, of course, but when we do it lasts a few weeks.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2011, 10:53:09 AM »
I don't include alcohol in our order either.  We're not teetotallers, but we rarely drink all that much.  I buy a couple of bottles of red wine a year to cook with (not the cheapest I can find, but far from anything expensive) and around the holidays we stock up the liquor shelf, but most weeks, no.

Ours was a bit more this week (for a two week shop), and I am not sure why.  We're looking at £75ish a week for the next two weeks including veg boxes. 

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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2011, 01:06:38 PM »
I don't feel so bad then, we spend about £80 a week for two adults and a hungry teenage girl.  I hate spending so much but honestly don't know how not to.  My husband likes meat every night, and my daughter's a vegetarian, so I buy real meat and fake meat and do two pots on the stove.  Also my daughter's a fruit addict - 5 a day - more like 10 a day.  I have to watch her like a hawk around the fruit bowl, she'll eat 3 bananas a day, or 4 or 5 satsumas in one sitting.  DH is trying to lose some weight so has cut his nightly bread and butter from 5 or 6 slices to 2 or 3 (not that bread is expensive), and we are all trying to cut down on the junk food, so perhaps it may go down a bit.  And I'm a cereal addict, so I've only been buying bran flakes and Weetabix so I'm not so tempted to snack on it. 

We still spend a fortune though.  Wish we could cut down somehow.  I'd be happy to go meat-free most nights but DH couldn't take it. 
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2011, 01:20:40 PM »
We've gone to 'less meat' in some dishes. For stews, stir fry and things like that we have cut down on the amount of meat, although they do still call for a lot of veggies and veggies can be expensive. I feel it still helps some since we are cutting a bit of the cost out.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2011, 01:37:04 PM »
We've gone to 'less meat' in some dishes. For stews, stir fry and things like that we have cut down on the amount of meat, although they do still call for a lot of veggies and veggies can be expensive. I feel it still helps some since we are cutting a bit of the cost out.

I've been trying to use less too, to use half a pack and freeze the rest for another meal.  Sometimes it feels like I'm just keeping even though - like prices are rising so fast that by eating half a pack of mince instead of a whole pack, I'm spending the same as I would have spent on the whole pack last year, if that makes any sense.  Darn recession.
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Re: How much do you spend on groceries?
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2011, 07:23:45 PM »
I don't feel so bad then, we spend about £80 a week for two adults and a hungry teenage girl.  I hate spending so much but honestly don't know how not to.  My husband likes meat every night, and my daughter's a vegetarian, so I buy real meat and fake meat and do two pots on the stove.  Also my daughter's a fruit addict - 5 a day - more like 10 a day.  I have to watch her like a hawk around the fruit bowl, she'll eat 3 bananas a day, or 4 or 5 satsumas in one sitting.  DH is trying to lose some weight so has cut his nightly bread and butter from 5 or 6 slices to 2 or 3 (not that bread is expensive), and we are all trying to cut down on the junk food, so perhaps it may go down a bit.  And I'm a cereal addict, so I've only been buying bran flakes and Weetabix so I'm not so tempted to snack on it. 

We still spend a fortune though.  Wish we could cut down somehow.  I'd be happy to go meat-free most nights but DH couldn't take it. 
I kind of blew it last night because my wife sent me to Costco for some milk and some 'good stuff'. I think she wanted some pastries so I got some bear claws, and some cream cheese snails, box of chocolate, bottled water, milk, Italian Blood orange drink for a total of $43. This is going to send up my blood sugar through the roof.
45 year wedding anniversary this week so that's why I splurged.

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