It's not race, it's behavior.
There are Irish travelers and Gypsies -- who I suppose can lay claim to an amount of history and tradition -- and then there are people of no particular race or fixed abode who will pull a van into an out-of-the-way car park, take up residence and refuse to be shifted.
The latter wrap themselves in the mantle of "Travelers" and are the very devil to get rid of legally, even if it's your land. In addition to being off the grid (in terms of their sending kids to school, paying rent or making any other tax contributions), they have the reputation as prolific thieves. Walking away with sheep, horses, engines off the fishing boats, anything they can tear off of our out of historic churches.
My neighbors out here in the country -- most of whom are educated people who would be horrified to be considered racists of any kind -- will tell story after story of their bicycles, working dogs, farm equipment and chickens disappearing one by one after 'Travelers' move in nearby. Often enough, even when they've been caught in the act, the police just shrug.
I hear many names for them out here in the boonies, none of which I dare repeat, being a foreigner myself and not understanding the hierarchy of offensiveness. Opinion is unanimous.