I don't think there are lots of ordinary people (or not as many) who sympathize with the BNP, EDL, or UKIP.
This is a bit off topic, but I read someplace (can't find it now) that because people tend to socialize with people who are similar to them in age, class, and political leanings, we wind up thinking most people are pretty much like us. Turns out, though, there's a range of beliefs, but we don't notice it because we don't often hang out with people who don't believe what we believe.
To use the BNP/EDL/UKIP example, I, too, used to think that there weren't many ordinary people who sympathized with them. Then I joined a UK car forum and discovered there were tons of BNP-types around, I just don't run in the same circles as they do, so I never met one in real life.
Back to the topic, I disagree that the protests don't have a left-leaning agenda. It may not be that they're saying it aloud as a goal, but from what I saw of various signs and displays at the protests, if they all got what they wanted the result would be a leftward movement. It seems like splitting hairs to differentiate between a left agenda and a left result as though one has nothing to do with the other.
Personally, I'd be happy if 1) some of the banking regulations that were repealed over the last 10-20 years were put back in place to keep retail and investment banking separate, to require banks to have more capital in place to cover them in the event of investments going south, and to ensure that people who apply for loans are actually qualified for them, rather than just handing out loans to people who can't afford them like it's a good idea, and 2) the banks that got money from the government to keep them afloat at the height of the crisis were required to pay it back.
Banks giving bonuses to their employees wouldn't bother me nearly as much as it does if I didn't feel like they were just giving my taxes to the very people who caused the problem in the first place as a bonus for doing a good job. First, based on the performance of the industry since 2007 or so, nobody should be getting a bonus, and second, it's wrong to take billions of dollars/pounds of tax money in handouts and then turn around and pay billions of dollars/pounds to bankers in bonuses.