Does your fiance live in Balham, GTGTL?
I've not heard of Saino's, but Sainsbo's and "Mr S" which makes more sense than "Mr T" or "Mr A" for Tesco and Asda respectively. I say "Sainsbo's" because my FiL inevitably did the "put on a fake American accent that sounds more Texas than New England" crap when I said I was going down to Sainsbury's.
We never call Marks and Spenser anything but "Marks and Sparks". We say "Tesco" exactly like the woman in the advert does. Northern? Scottish? Lidl or Aldi we call "Didldidi" (from "That Mitchell and Webb Look"). Most of the time we are talking about Lidl, since there are about 4 within walking distance and Aldi is quite a complicated journey. The rest we call by their normal names, but we have pretty much a language unto ourselves. We've talked about making a mini-dictionary, but most things wouldn't seem funny, but weird. Like we call the marks you get on your skin from sleeping on an uneven surface "chakotays" after the character on "Voyager" and his facial tattoos. We have hundreds of words like that. So, I sort of understand where GTGTL is coming from.
Stoatula, I remembered about the UHT tubs of single serving cream they sell at Costco. I am not sure if they are cream or the fake stuff that Elmlea is made from or if it is real cream. I can check next time we're there. I usually buy the milk packets for Mr O at work because otherwise he will buy that awful powder stuff.