Because I am just as comfortable eating left handed as right, that part is okay with me. The part I struggle with is people giving me odd looks for not using a knife to push my food onto my fork. If that is what you were raised with, fine. I just happen to be from a family who didn't eat that way, so I didn't grow up with it. Personally, I never thought about how a person holds his/her fork or if a knife is used for cutting or for every bite until I came over here. I was raised to eat politely, not talk with my mouth full, not spill off my fork etc, and it has worked for me this long. I suspect it will work for me for the future. I cut with my fork upside down, and will take that bite with it upside down. I agree, do what you are comfortable with and what gets the food to your face without spilling.
I even had my nephew (about 6 at the time) correct me for not eating my chips with a knife and fork. I DARED to use my fingers and dip them in ketchup. GASP!