why pettifog? I'm just looking for relaxed discussion
There's not really any such thing as a "relaxed discussion" about such a sensitive and emotive topic. Plus, as Chary says, there have been many threads on guns and violence over the years, and they normally end up as angry mudslinging messes with nothing resolved.
Personally, I have lived in a small town and a larger city in the UK and I felt perfectly safe in both. No need for mace or knives and certainly not for a gun. I also lived in Prague and Osaka and felt safe there too. In the US the most dangerous place I lived was Syracuse, NY where there were stabbings and break-ins in my neighbourhood all the time, and there I did not feel safe. The bars on the windows of my ground-floor flat didn't help, either. However, I grew up in a small city in Wisconsin and never felt unsafe there. I don't like the idea of concealed carry and am against people owning handguns. Hunting rifles are fine so long as they are kept locked up and owned only by people trained and licensed to use them properly.
And the old "guns don't kill people, people do" schtick? Well, it's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than with any other kind of weapon. It's true that if someone is determined to kill another then they will find a way. But I'd prefer to make it as difficult for them as possible.
x with weby and aimlesstraveler