No offense but thats where ignorance of firearms stems from is not really experiencing them first hand in a controlled environment...
I disagree. I've shot rifles and handguns in controlled environments with my brother, who is a former US Marine and highly trained. I enjoyed shooting, felt very comfortable with it, mostly because I knew I was with someone I trusted and who knew what he was doing.
Guns still freak me out.
I told this to my brother, and he replied "Good, they should. That's the only way anyone actually respects what they are and what they can do." This from a mortar man who did 2 tours of Iraq, where I would suspect the presence of guns would freak anyone out.
I think that mostly comes down to the fact that it's not the guns themselves so much, but the people who potentially carry them. People suck, are ignorant, and irresponsible and I would trust very, very few people to actually own a gun for any reason other than because it's part of their job.
As for feelings of safety, well, I lived in a not so nice city in New Jersey for 4 years. I never had my guard down, never went anywhere at night without someone with me, and had people walk me to my car or at least talk to me on my phone while I would walk to my car. I carried pepper spray.
I also lived in a very lovely, safe part of Glasgow and I still felt this way. Since I couldn't have pepper spray, I walked with my keys in my hand. I guess it just stuck with me to always be on my guard. If I'm in a city, I just don't ever really feel truly safe. Guns, no guns, doesn't matter, really. It's people that scare me.