I think we could all site an infinite number of sources and quotes as to why gun control is a very smart move for any country. Apparently the OP has not done his research as he seems to enjoy nothing more than attempting to cause controversy on this board. Had he done his research he would know:
Handgun licenses will be issued to green-card holders, not other aliens. See Code of Virginia Section 18.2-308.
Perhaps he should attend an NRA singles meet and learn that many of those Republican Conservatives despise immigrants almost as much any form of gun control.
Even though I do like maybe 2 things he has to say, Ron Paul, would rather spit in his face than grant him a green card or citizenship. This seems to be a problem with many conservatives. One or two phrases excite them beyond belief and they bite the hand that feeds them.
To the OP: I believe that we are all entitled to our own beliefs. If you really want to come to the US just because at some point you will be allowed a weapon then do it. You also need to keep in mind that you will need a job with health care benefits as hospitals and doctors will turn you away without a second thought. People in the US regularly declare bankruptcy due to medical bills. "Oh you can't afford to pay for your operation we will auction off your house whether you still live in it or not." That is just one slight tangent as to how the UK is superior, but as I stated....to each their own.
I would just ask that you quit coming here trying to stir up controversy. As you have (or should have) learned from your previous experiences you will not gain much sympathy here. The reason you do not hear "Libertarians, Republicans, conservatives" speak up in your defense is because those people rarely immigrate because they feel that America is #1 at any and everything and therefore they rarely move from the country.
Please send money to Ron/Newt/Mittens and see how much easier it will be for you to immigrate!
Many "Libertarians" where I live are nothing but embarrassed Republicans. After Obama was elected, the number of newly-minted "Libertarians" here went up considerably. This has not modified voting patterns in the least, despite the fact that Libertarians do run for office. Many of these will also call themselves "constitutionalists." They want to take this country back, way back, to the Constitution as it was originally written. By the way, this means a lot less rights for immigrants.
Say something that they perceive as even the slightest bit negative about the US, and they will tell you to get your @%!^$^%$#%^$% immigrant whatever back to where you came from. Some will even offer assistance.
Should you choose to run in these circles, be prepared to get evangelical Christianity shoved down your throat. Many of these people are dominionists; they sincerely believe that God wants only Christians to hold public office.
As for Montana, I've got a nephew who lives there. He likes it, but says he steers clear of the militias. There are areas of that state with a fair amount of that activity. He has worked and lived near them, but wants no part of them---good idea.
Even in states where the gun laws are more liberal, one can still lose the right to own or possess one.
A gun owner is also accountable for every round he or she fires, including the rounds that may go through a neighbor's home or hit an innocent passerby. I was told that by a police officer who investigated an attempted home invasion (my home). I scared him off shouting, but had my gun at the ready.
I've also had a window broken when I was fast asleep. If my neighbors hadn't heard it, I don't know if I could have gotten to my gun in time, and been alert enough to use it properly. A gun is not the be-all, end-all of self-defense. Even with a concealed-carry permit, there are still places where it is illegal to carry a gun. In such places, a viable alternative to firearms is required should self-defense be needed. A concealed-carry permit can also be revoked.
I do wonder if the OP's eagerness to own a gun has to do with his recent encounter with an assailant. I would recommend some sort of self-defense lessons a.s.a.p., like Model Mugger, krav maga, etc. Even if he does move to the US, it won't be next week, and it may build some confidence in the meantime.