I bet less people would apply to be a bomb disposal expert if the training required you to strap C4 to your face and detonate it, or having an M16 magazine unloaded into you as part of basic army training because it doesn't follow logic "hey North Korea before you try and nuke anyone first you gotta nuke yourselves, see how you like it" see my point?
I think you're completely missing the point.
The logic is that, before officers use these 'non-lethal' measures, they know what they feel like. It's tempting to think that, just because mace, or pepper spray, or a taser can't (usually) kill someone, it's no big deal. This can lead to them becoming an officer's first or second option for ending a confrontation, rather than remaining the last resort, as they're intended to.
Imagine that you've spent the past 8 hours dealing with crowds of drunk, unruly young people. Now someone is getting in your face, not wanting to cooperate, and generally being a pain in your backside. As a responsible law enforcement officer, you've been trained to de-escalate confrontations, and get people to comply with your requests reasonably, without having to resort to violence. Certainly, you wouldn't pull a firearm on this person. You could spend the next 20 minutes trying to reason with this person. But you've got this handy taser right here, and what the hell, it's not like it does any real damage right? Why not just zap the guy, and solve the whole problem?
Well, because it's wrong. It's not what the police are for. They're not supposed to be bullies. They're supposed to be better than that.
And one of the ways they remain better than that is by really understanding that non-lethal force is still force, and is still an option of last resort, rather than convenience. And they could watch all the videos in the world, and hear all the lectures about what how these things work, and what effect they have on people, and how careful they should be, etc.... but when they've had to step up and let a classmate or instructor tase or pepper-spray them, then they
really know.
Trying to compare that to bomb disposal? I....I don't even... that's just a completely inaccurate analogy. Sorry, you fail at logic.