So I went to get my student visa this week in NYC. I had all the documents they asked for - loan info, lots of bank statements, my offer letter, housing info, lots of emails, etc. I was a bit worried because some of the emails I needed were in my (old) school's email, and the server was down due to Ivan. So I get up to the little window, I give them my application (I had done the fastrack thing, and paid online) and my offer letter, and the very nice lady looks everything over. She makes a few marks, types some stuff into the computer, hands me back my offer letter and says "Ok, come back in an hour and it'll be ready". Um...huh? So I go sit in Starbucks for an hour, go back, and they hand me my passport, with a nice new "UK entry clearance" thingy in it. And even though my program is only a year, they gave me 18 months. The hell?
Why didn't they look at all my other stuff? Are they going to ask to see it at Heathrow, or are they just taking my word for it? Not that I'm complaining, mind just seemed so easy....