Just a thought...... it is the fact that many of us have not ever been thin or have not been thin in such a long time that we forgot what it felt like and can no longer see ourselves thin?
A lot of people like Tiger Woods and Lance Armstong often use visioning as a way to help them focus on the ultimate goal they have in mind.
Our VP (who used to do something similar for Jenny Craig) was talking to us one day in a meeting and said that they had identified that it was a lack of being able to see oneself at their goal weight that caused people to not achieve it.
So now of course we spend a lot of time visioning what our business would look like!
...I will not get into that here!
I was just wondering if someone had heard or thought of this before?
A few months ago I made one of those chains from grade school.. like for before Christmas where you take off one link each day... the idea was to take off links for pounds that I lost....
I tried to combine this with thinking what I would look like or wear or feel like once I was thinner and healthier.....
I worked for a while, but most of the links are still there (all 60 plus of them) and I let the stresses of life get to me....and in the way of my vision...
Any ideas?