I'm in the middle of four books, a situation I'm really not happy about.
Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie. Absolutely amazing and riveting. But I had to put it aside a couple of weeks ago before I went on holiday because it's a heavy volume and I didn't want to lug it around with me.
The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell. Wonderfully charming, but when I got to page 186, the next 50 pages were missing! They hadn't fallen out; they were just never printed. So that's on hold until I can get to the library to find a complete copy.
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake. I'm reading this (the entire trilogy, actually) for one of my book groups, and I'm LOATHING it. So I'm putting it aside until I'm in a more tolerant frame of mind.
A London Family Between the Wars by M.V. Hughes. This is what I picked up to help me recover from the traumas of Gormenghast, and I'm so glad I did. It's exactly what I needed. An easy read, but sweet, gentle and, above all, completely comforting.