I really liked 'The Secret River'. Our book group has just discussed 'A Fine Balance' by Rohinton Mistry, which everyone enjoyed (for once!). Long but gripping read about India in the 1970s and how the very poor survive (or fall between the cracks) and how kind and generous people who have nothing are to each other. Moves from tragedy to black comedy between one sentence and the next.
Weird you should mention that!! I finished
The Secret River and
The Samurai's Garden, and have just started on
A Fine Balance!
I like them all, but to me
The Secret River is just written so well and movingly that the other two can't come close. It was soooooo beautifully written.
The weird thing is that I was doing all my reading on the train yesterday (long journey back home from Cornwall). I finished
The Samurai's Garden, which ended with the main character on a train! I thought ... what a coincidence!! Then I started on
A Fine Balance ... which begins on a train! Oooooh, spooky!!