Here is my question to and the answer, make of it what you will
"I have a question about whether FBAR filing is required by a US citizen who is the beneficiary of two types of UK final salary pension plans; the UK University Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension plan and a UK employer sponsored final salary pension plan.
The USS plan ( is a final salary pension plan and is organized in the UK as a trust. There's no ability to direct investments by the beneficiaries. The university and the beneficiary put in a percentage of salary and then at retirement age (usually after 55) the pension is calculated according to years of service and final salary.
The employer sponsored plan ( is also a final salary pension plan and is organized in the UK as a trust. There's no ability to direct investments by the beneficiaries. The employer and the beneficiary put in a percentage of salary and then at retirement age the pension is calculated according to years of service and final salary."
Here is the IRS answer
"Dear Sir:
Defined benefit retirement accounts held by employers or governments do not generally need to be reported by the individual. These are generally NOT held in the individual's name. However, foreign defined contribution retirement accounts held by the individual (similar to IRA) should be reported. These accounts are generally held in the individual's name, so meet the #1 Financial Interest definition in the instructions to the form.
It sounds like you a have a defined contribution account. Even though you cannot access it prior to age 50, it is still being held in your name or for your benefit. As such, it meets the definition of a financial interest as stated in the instructions to the FBAR form. You would file if the threshold and other requirements for filing are met."