Every helpful bit of advice makes my heart sink further. I thought I could file for the past six years and be done with it. The forms don't actually look that hard, comparing them to the investments we have.
But how could I find a person competent in this area? I'm not even qualified to judge the competence of a professional. (And the pension stuff is in Romanian anyway.) The next question is how to pay for someone like this. I was looking at prices people were looking at, and not only are they out of reach, but the pricing seems less than straightforward.
And if I'm allowed to rant a bit, it all just seems so WRONG for the IRS to operate under the presumption that any money owned, or half-owned, by an American is necessarily American money. It's earned here, it's invested here, it will stay here, it's nothing to do with the US at all. And in my case, this whole nightmare is only because my name appears on the accounts. (Well, that's easily taken care of.)
So many of us are just ordinary people trying to do the right and wise thing. In 2003 it seemed right to have money in something better than an ordinary savings account, hence the unit trusts (how did I know they'd be a minefield?). In 2009 it seemed a good idea to have a pension plan.
So, the best of all possible world here is to have enough money, but not too much.