Loving all the information here! Thanks guys!
Guru: Great last paragraph, that's some great advice and I will definitely take it.
As for the money, I still can't understand it when looking at all the costs I have researched for London. Perhaps that is why? The cost of living in the UK outside of London is substantially lower? But I don't think people that live in London pay to different tax rules. I guess I just don't see how people get by in London if those salary ranges are the median ranges. When researching 2 bedroom apartment/flat rent rates in London within Zone 1/2 and some within Zone 3 they are like 1200-2000 pounds a month. Average I found for a 2 bedroom apartment within zone 2 was about 1500 pounds. So per year that would be 18,000 pounds. So I are only the people in the top 5 percentile living within zone 1 and 2 of London?
I have never lived there, so I have been very conservative on all my estimates, so hopefully I will see things the way they are being painted here, and that will make things a lot more comforting as I thought I was going to have to make a substantial change in quality of life from my current home to there.
Thanks all!