Hi, I'm new here (just made my introductory post a few moments ago) and so I don't know if this is the right place for this or not, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a brief overview/synopsis of cost of food in Scotland.
Basically, I am going to be a student at St Andrews this coming September, and am 99% sure I will be given self-catering accommodation (the one where you buy and cook your own food). I am excited about this, as I would much rather have that sort of control over what I do, or don't, put into my body.
That said, I'm trying to work out a preliminary budget, and I would like to know if anyone could give me more detailed prices on food in Scotland, in general, in St Andrews/Fife in particular. The one thing I DO know is that the Tesco in St Andrews is, apparently, the 2nd most expensive one in all of the UK. And there IS an Aldi in St Andrews.
I have also found out that for a significant majority of the basic student veggies of the diet, I can get a vegbox through a uni society that for 6 GBP includes 4kg of veg: 1kg potatoes, 1kg onions, 1kg carrots and 1 kg assorted other seasonal stuff. But as for the rest of the general food shop, I'd like to get a slightly more specific answer as to how much things cost, if possible. I mean, I've been there before, and remember the GENERAL prices, but I'd like to know that, for example, bread will cost me roughly 1.99GBP, for example not 'bread is from 0.50GBP-2.00GBP'. Its hard to budget like that.
Sorry, I just read that and I know it comes off as demanding. Thats not how its meant. I am just curious as to see if anyone can give me more accurate food costs. Especially since I've been told local butcher/greengrocers/etc are probably cheaper than supermarkets. If this is so, can anyone tell me what the average % cheaper they are?
Basically, I'm looking for costs of things like:
bell pepers
chicken/cheap meat
pasta/rice/other dry goods
tinned soup
dish soap
If anyone could help me, I'd greatly, GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!