1)What is your favourite television show currently on the telly?Currently, Criminal Minds and Grimm. I am getting into Touch, but Kiefer is looking more and more like his dad every week, and I find that depressing.
2)Do you have a pet(s)? What kind? How many?Since being here, no, but we had a canary, parakeets and hamsters (one hamster at a time, except when we bought a pregnant one, and we kept one, gave two away and took three back to the pet shop) and will more than likely get a pet when we get back to the States.
3)Do you make your bed every day?Only cos hubby prefers to have it made, but with a quick flip of the duvet from each of us on our own side, it is done in seconds.
4)Would you rather change your past or know your future?Change my past. I like the adventure of not knowing the future. I would definitely stick with college and not party my way out if I could do it again. I'd also skip a couple of my rebel bad boy boyfriends I had in my very early 20s. Of course, one of them is the reason I partied my way out of college.
5)Do you believe in Miracles? Have you ever experienced one?Yes, and yes.