Just thought of another one...after watching my boyfriend sitting goggle-eyed in front of the TV weather forecast.
I have lived here for 26 years and have still not developed this OBSESSION with the weather that the natives seem to have.
In every household I know, the conversation comes to a screeching halt when the weather is read on TV or radio, and when the main weather report comes on the news, I have heard of people recording/taping it to either watch again later, or recording it for someone in the family who happens to be out at the time!
My ex FIL still listens to the shipping forecast every day (and don't you DARE speak or make a noise during it!), even though the chances of him ever being on a boat again are nil.
I never watch/listen to weather reports, and just kinda glance at the sky on my way out the door to decide which jacket to wear. Yes, I sometimes make a wrong decision! But >shrug< oh well... I can always get a taxi if i'm likely to get soaked waiting for a bus.
(with apologies to KSand... I know this is your job and I'm sure the actual job you do is interesting and fun!) I just still think it's odd how such a huge proportion of the general public are like, riveted to the telly when the weather report comes on!