I did a hyphen. We married in NYC. So, I could do a hyphen.
It seems to be very uncommon to hyphen a single and married name in the UK.
I did not know that at the time.
I'm not sure why I did it.
I had actually never even considered the 'new name' aspect of marriage until we were actually filling out the form on the day we were getting married! It just slipped my mind.
So, I just decided on the fly to do a hyphen name.
I was told that if someone wants to do a hyphen when they marry in the UK that they need something called a 'deed pole' in order to do it. Not sure if it is correct tho, as I never looked it up.
But, because I married in NYC, I did not need a 'deed pole' to do it.
But, I'm not suggesting you do the hyphen. People react oddly to a surname with a hyphen here. They think it means something else. It seems to be some sort of class based thing. I guess, here, a hyphen name is a sigh of being wealthy in some peoples minds?
My in laws just assumed I changed my name to his name, and about a month after we were married, they got me a ticket for a flight to Italy under his surname, and we had to change the ticket.
They did ask me why I did the hyphen, rather than just keep my own name, or just take the new name, but they seemed more curious than in any way upset, or offended!
But, as a performer, and a published writer, I did not want to just totally change my name to a new surname.
I don't think it is considered a big deal here to change, or not change a name after getting married.
The only other people who ever said anything to me about it were my super feminist friends in NYC. And, they sort of thought the hyphen was a good "compromise" - which I kinda thought was funny!