Facebook has settings that you can use, to allow you to only allow certain people to see everything.
You can create lists, and put some people on as Restricted.
I do use that feature.
So, I have people that can see everything I post, posts that the whole world can see, and posts that only my closest friends can see.
That said, I have had some very, very good, and some very, very bad, experiences with adding people from expat sites and pages to my personal fb wall.
So, now, if and when I add someone new, who I have never met in person, I set them to the Restricted list, and if all goes well, and we get to know each other a bit better, and I feel I can actually communicate with them regularly and freely, and safely, I eventually un-restrict them.
The thing is, many studies show, that if people have never actually met, it increases the likelihood that they will, if they are imbalanced, or unhealthy, inconsiderate and possibly combative and abusive to people online.
And, it is hard to tell, sometimes, how someone actually IS through their online posts. People online often misunderstand others, because physical social cues are not included in the conversations - it happens to me all the time. My sarcasm does not translate well. I have been accused of being everything under the sun, when in fact I am just kidding, or being ironic.
Sometimes people just go online to find someone to pick a fight with. They actually LOOK for things to 'take the wrong way' and enjoy having a go at people. They get a thrill out of making trouble.
So, one must be a bit careful.
But, I have also met several people online and formed real life, personal friendships with them, and they have become an important part of my social scene and support group! One of my closest friends in London is someone I met on a facebook group page about a year and a half ago! We go out for coffee about three times a week, and we talk on the phone all of the time. So, ya never know...
And, several of the people who are on this board have mentioned that they met their spouses through facebook! So, people even fall in love on facebook (and other online sites), which I personally think is awesome - So "Modern Love" of them!
Try creating a restricted list, and a close friends list, and adding people that way? It only takes about 5 minutes to do it, unless you have 50 million friends!