Ahh, I love having a kettle. Wouldn't know I would do without it!
Boil water for pasta, rice, vegetables, etc
For mixing up stock cubes, gravies, miso soup or the very occasional packet soup
For making homemade stock - add to all the bits and bobs and its already to a boil
Tea and instant coffee (when I only want a cup and not a whole drip pot), hot chocolate
I love it in the morning- I have a small food flask to which I add porridge or pinhead oats, readybrek, etc- plus raisins, or bananas, or whatever - add the just boiled water from the kettle and stir and by the time I cycle to work its cooked to perfection
Another one who uses it for hot water bottle
Pre-warming food flasks as well
Its really handy when the boiler isn't working and you need to do the washing up!
Lemsip - having had a cold this past week, its been very helpful!