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Topic: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?  (Read 8438 times)

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How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:54:10 PM »
One of the questions I constantly find myself wondering is... how often can I visit him? I know the laws all say that I can be in the country for 6 months a year, but I.O.'s seem to raise their eyebrows at frequent visits.

How often did you visit your significant other before moving?
If you're still long distance, how often do you get to visit them?

This year, I will be visiting my boyfriend 3 times in a given calendar year. The next year, it'll only be once every 6 months for a few weeks at a time. It's difficult to go that long in between visits, but it seems to be the best.

Also, I am wondering did anyone ever have any issues for flying into the same place over and over again? My only passport stamps are from the same airport, and I always wonder if that's going to cause some issues with an I.O.

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Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 11:57:19 PM »
DH and I would see each other about 3 times a year.  We alternated who would travel, but it generally worked out to be one visit to the UK and two visits to the US in one year and reversed the next year with two visits to the UK and one visit to the US.

I always used the same airport and never had any problems.  I don't think it matters if you use the same airport or different ones - if, for whatever reason, your UK activity seems suspicious, a keen IO will spot it regardless of where you're entering the country.

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Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2012, 08:56:10 AM »
My DH and I saw each other about four times a year when we were long distance, with the exception of when I was here on a student visa.

I once got an IO at the border who commented: 'You have a lot of UK entry stamps in here'. I calmly said, 'Yeah my boyfriend lives over here'. Nothing more came of it. He stamped my passport and let me through.

I've flown into Gatwick many, many times over the years with no issues. Agreed with Aquila that the stamps in your passport and immigration record will speak for itself anywhere you try to enter the UK.
2006: Met DH to be in London
2006-2010: LDR, with one year spent in UK in post-grad school
2010: Moved to London on Tier 1 PSW visa
2011: Engaged
2012: Married
2014: ILR Approved at PEO Croydon
2015: I'm finally British!

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Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2012, 09:30:32 AM »
We were twice a year. He would come see me at Christmas, and I was in college, and I'd spend my entire summer break over here. So it wound up only ever being 4 months in between visits. It meant I had to hold a job while taking more credits than most other students - I really killed myself all year - but it was worth it.
Finally living with my Husband in London after 6 1/2 years together but apart... and loving my life!

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Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2012, 09:47:03 AM »
Gawd... I had all these 'flyer miles' saved up from YEARS of work that had involved a lot of travel... and I used them all in like... a year and a half!!! Or just over that?

We made a rule: No more than 6 weeks apart. And we totally stuck to it. On the last day of all of our visits, be booked the travel, for when and where we were going to see each other again.
In hindsight, I must say, we were so very lucky to be able to do that!

So, every six weeks, either one of us, or both of us, got on a flight.
We sometimes both flew to a third country to meet up, or he came to NYC, or I came to London. Some of the visits were as short as 4 nights, and one was as long as 3 months.
I never had an issue flying into Heathrow. And he never had an issue flying into any of the airports in and around NYC.

I think every case is different tho. It seems to be 'the luck of the draw' in many ways. I know some people who have had some problems.

I always had everything ready: Proof that I had a job, proof that I was enrolled in a grad school programme, proof of funds... The usual. But no one really seemed to care that much.

But, my now hubby, then boyfriend, never had 'proof' of anything on him. And, so, I often worried! He owns a business and a house in the UK, and I always asked him to carry some sort of proof, just in case, but he brushed me off, and never bothered. And, it was never an issue.

I think the only time I was really asked about anything specific was when I came over for a month, and then flew back to NYC for 4 days, for an exam, and then returned for another month - But, I just told them why I had done that. I had all the proof ready, but it was not looked at at all. I was just 'asked' why I went back for only 4 days.

They always asked me why I was entering the UK, and I just said, "I am visiting loved ones."

They seemed fine with that response. They never asked for any details.

I basically spent most of 2010, strapped to a seat, on international flights.  ::)
β€œIt was when I realised I had a new nationality: I was in exile. I am an adulterous resident: when I am in one city, I am dreaming of the other. I am an exile; citizen of the country of longing.” ― Suketu Mehta.

Married 04/13/11, in NYC.
Applied for Spouse Visa the following week, with express service, and I was approved 4 days later!
Arrived in the UK 05/20/11.
I took the stupid LIUK Test Oct. 2012.
We were granted ILR In Person in Croydon on 04/23/13.
Got BRP 2 days later, in mail box - it just appeared.

NEXT: The lil' red passpo

Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2012, 11:05:15 AM »
But, my now hubby, then boyfriend, never had 'proof' of anything on him. And, so, I often worried! He owns a business and a house in the UK, and I always asked him to carry some sort of proof, just in case, but he brushed me off, and never bothered. And, it was never an issue.

Your husband sounds like my boyfriend! I told him that he needs to have proof of his lease in the UK, and something to show that he's employed, but he just brushes me off like, "pfft, why would I need that?"  I told him that an I.O. actually told me that that's what everyone should travel internationally with, but men... they can be so stubborn!

Thankfully I'm the one that does most of the traveling for us -- flexible time off at work, and my living situation allows me to fund a few trips a year.

It's awesome that you were able to visit so often! My first two trips were only 3 months apart, and an I.O. asked me how I could manage to come back so soon. No issue was made of it, thankfully. I'm just glad to see that people have managed to come over more frequently, because the way it's looking, I'm going to be here for a few weeks every 6 months... possibly even every 4 months, if my employer decides to be generous.

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Re: How frequently did/do you visit your significant other?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2012, 04:08:32 PM »
My fiancee and I tried to see each other once every 3 months(2 week long visits) taking turns visiting the other's country. Once we went 4 months and it was awful! That 4 months was probably the hardest. Though I see that other people on here have gone even longer  :(

We have been long distance for 2 years now, but this past summer I spent 3 months in England with him to make sure we were definitely still wanting to get married. It went great and now I'm applying for my fiance visa :)

I never had problems getting through the border. The officers could see that I visited a lot and I was often heavily questioned . Though they always let me through thankfully. I had a part time job where I was able to work 40+ hrs a week so that's how I made so many visits and got so much time off. I was always honest with them and sometimes brought payslips or bank statements.

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