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Topic: I love it here, but I need a rant...  (Read 10758 times)

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I love it here, but I need a rant...
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:05:12 AM »
A few things have been building up in me for a while, and I know my boyfriend agrees with me but is sick of hearing me constantly moan about it...

1. Opening hours. The government wants us to spend money to boost the retail section, but I wonder how I can possibly do that when opening hours are so rubbish. With nothing open past 5pm or on Sundays, that leaves Saturdays for everyone with a 9-5 job to get any shopping done. But if you want to do something other than shop, you pretty much only have Saturday for that as well. So... No one can buy or entertain themselves during the week leaving Saturday to be insanity, which brings me to:

2. Parking. I don't even drive here and this pisses me off! I think my town is particularly bad, but there is simply no parking available during the time the shops are open and most people are off work. My boyfriend drives and if we decide not to walk to do our weekly shop, we end up in gridlock within a car park because there aren't any spaces. It's clearly not a new problem, so why not just build a deck and solve the problem? Or, better yet, build a deck and extend shop opening hours so that everyone in the whole county isn't trying to go to the shops all at once. It may not be pretty or fit in with a historic town, but it solves a problem.

3. Rather unrelated, but mold and damp. It's been around in this country for as long as it's existed. Understandably when some homes were built they didn't have the technology to resolve this problem. But for new builds to have been made without accounting for the fact that it's always wet here ... it's just stupid. There are ways to make a home less prone to dampness by ensuring it is built correctly, yet all the new builds I've seen here it seems they cut corners on everything to save money during the construction phase, leading to problems down the line. I had to rip off the back of a chest of drawers today because the damp in my flat had caused mold to completely destroy the wood. It had only been sitting there a few months and we use a dehumidifier. I'm ridiculously annoyed that I have to make so much of an effort to prevent my stuff from being destroyed by mold just because the imbecile who built my flat couldn't consider that it's a damp country.

And what annoys me most about all of this is that I have not heard one person deny that any of the above are problems, meaning most people think the same thing but nothing is being done to fix it. It's like everyone is happy to point out all these problems but doesn't feel like doing anything about them. If I weren't a renter, this flat would be gutted and rebuilt with insulation and proper ventilation (and windows with screens!), but I am so I just get to moan. And now I think I'll write to MP about everything else, just so he can have a good laugh and I feel like I'm not turning into a brit who will just put up with everything.

Sorry for the long rant, just really upset about all the mould I found earlier and have seemed to developed a cough since moving it about and scrubbing it off the walls.  >:(
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 12:24:45 AM »
I also love it here, but your number one is the one thing that I absolutely hate about this country.  It's ridiculous and I rant about it all the time...saying pretty much exactly what you do.  I don't want the UK to go American, but it would be nice if people could be a bit more proactive about actually solving these problems instead of just whinging.  How about keeping the shops open a bit later and hiring some unemployed school leavers to work the later hours?  Increased profits, less congestion on Saturday, and lower unemployment.  Everyone wins.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2012, 07:40:27 AM »
I work in retail and I have to say I wouldn't want shops to be open later than they already are.  I really appreciate closing up at 5:00.  Also I have to say most unemployed school leavers are not fit to run a retail shop.  There would still have to be a manager on duty (me).  We work with lots of volunteers and most only want to work during the morning / early afternoon hours.  The most able volunteers are usually young people or mums and both need to be out of the shop and home early.  Unemployed school leavers in my experience are often only any good behind the scenes (not on the till or shop floor). 
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2012, 08:09:49 AM »
I work in retail and I have to say I wouldn't want shops to be open later than they already are.  I really appreciate closing up at 5:00. 

Same here - I worked in retail on and off for 12 years... age 15 to 27 and if anything, I actually would love the hours to be reduced and for the shops to close earlier. Sundays were the best day of the week for me because they were shorter.

When I started working for Boots in 2001, the store hours were 10am-8 pm M-F, 9am-7pm Saturday and 11am-5pm Sunday. When I left in 2010, the store hours were 8.30am-9pm M-F, 8.30 am-8pm Saturday and 10.30am - 5 pm Sunday... and for the Christmas period, they stay open until 10pm in the week and 9 pm on Saturdays (and M&S in the same shopping mall stays open until 11pm or midnight in the run-up to Christmas... they even opened at midnight on Christmas Eve this week). Also, the store I worked in only closed on 2 days of the year - Christmas Day and Easter Sunday... so that meant having to work Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and several bank holidays as well.

Not sure if you're aware, but there are strict trading laws in place on Sundays - stores over a certain size are only legally allowed to trade for 6 hours (say, 10-4 or 11-5)... which is why they are only open short hours on a Sunday (and sometimes have the 30 minutes of browsing before you can buy).

elle - I'm with you on the parking issue though... I'm okay when I'm visiting my parents here in Bristol because the local shopping mall (the one where I used to work) has 5,000 free parking spaces, and there is plenty of free parking in the city, but now that I live in Lincoln, it's difficult to find anywhere to park - the roads are narrow and mostly one-way and everywhere is metered or car parks where you have to pay. It's just a hassle getting to the high street because of it :(.

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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2012, 08:29:32 AM »
Isn't this the airing cupboard?  I thought it was supposed to be for unopposed ranting?  We could have a debate about shop opening hours someplace else, but I was under the impression that that isn't what this board is for?  Honestly, I'm a bit annoyed that my comment--which was clearly marked as a rant--received responses like the last two.   
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2012, 08:57:11 AM »
And what annoys me most about all of this is that I have not heard one person deny that any of the above are problems, meaning most people think the same thing but nothing is being done to fix it. It's like everyone is happy to point out all these problems but doesn't feel like doing anything about them.

100% agree.  I'm always amazed at the number of things in the UK that don't work, or don't work well, or work in an incredibly inefficient manner because nobody has bothered to build them with any sense of pride of workmanship, or with any thought to the environment and manner in which the thing will actually be used in real life.

Then if you point out that something is a problem, and has been a problem for a number of years without anyone making an effort to solve it, you get shrugging and "that's the way we've always done it" and occasionally you get superior eye-rolling, as if to say, "Americans, eh? Always complaining about things rather than just getting on like we do."

Not sure if you're aware, but there are strict trading laws in place on Sundays - stores over a certain size are only legally allowed to trade for 6 hours (say, 10-4 or 11-5)... which is why they are only open short hours on a Sunday (and sometimes have the 30 minutes of browsing before you can buy).

{no longer ranting, just saying in a non-argumentative, normal tone of voice}

So what?  We had similar laws in Texas when I was in high school.  People realized a) it was harder to get shopping done with restricted opening hours, and b) it would help the economy if stores were open longer.  They repealed the laws and people were able to shop when they could make the time, rather than being forced to work around the government's idea of when shopping should happen.

Just because something is currently done a certain way does not mean it has to be done that way forever.

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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2012, 09:35:10 AM »
Isn't this the airing cupboard?  I thought it was supposed to be for unopposed ranting?

No, you are thinking of Homesickness & Hard Times, under Expat Life, which is supposed to be solely messages of support etc - free from opposition. People are free to disagree in the Airing Cupboard, as long as they refrain from personal attacks.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2012, 10:09:08 AM »
"if you point out that something is a problem, and has been a problem for a number of years without anyone making an effort to solve it, you get shrugging and "that's the way we've always done it" and occasionally you get superior eye-rolling, as if to say, "Americans, eh? Always complaining about things rather than just getting on like we do." - camoscato

Gaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! So true!!! HA HA! Love that. Drives me mad.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2012, 10:29:21 AM »
For those of you who work in retail, I understand what you're saying. I've never thought anyone should have to work more hours in retail than people do in other industries, but they could at least have different hours. For instance, keep the shop open on Saturday and Sunday, then have it closed on Monday. Or don't open until 11am so the shop can remain open later. Or better yet, if the budget allows, get more workers in as there are plenty of people who are unemployed.

I used to work in London and commute from Hertfordshire, meaning the earliest I ever got home in the evening was 7pm. Even on the "late" night Thursday shopping hours, everything had closed by the time I was home - except Sainsburys and Boots. That left me with Saturday shopping, and I was often put off by the crowds and the queues, even outside the holiday season. I know a lot of shops are restricted by budgets, number of employees and laws, but I think these shops need to be more innovative and flexible with their opening so they can capitalise on when people are available to come in. Of course, it all does depend on your target consumer. But if you're not aiming for pensioners or stay at home mums, then 9-5 Monday to Friday isn't going to be bringing the sales!

Just because something is currently done a certain way does not mean it has to be done that way forever.

Agreed. Things must adapt with the times we live in. For instance, I work for a small book publisher that refuses to look into digital publishing. They're either going to have to soon, or face failure in a few years. (I hope not to stick around long enough to find out!) Shops need to do the same, if they haven't already.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2012, 11:05:30 AM »
I don't work in retail but I wouldn't like to see longer opening hours.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2012, 12:18:45 PM »
Well, I remember a time -- admittedly the Dark Ages -- when there was "Early Closing" and all the shops in a city or town would shut down at noon on a particular day of the week. I worked in retail then and the shop was open Tuesday, half-day on Wednesday, Thursday - Saturday and completely closed on Sunday and Monday. And of course we were open only 9 - 5 on the full days. In a way, it was an easy schedule. The only problem for me was that DH worked Mon. - Fri. so we only had Sundays off together. Also you couldn't do much on Early Closing day as all the other shops were closed!
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2012, 12:23:10 PM »
For those of you who work in retail, I understand what you're saying. I've never thought anyone should have to work more hours in retail than people do in other industries, but they could at least have different hours. For instance, keep the shop open on Saturday and Sunday, then have it closed on Monday. Or don't open until 11am so the shop can remain open later. Or better yet, if the budget allows, get more workers in as there are plenty of people who are unemployed.

I used to work in London and commute from Hertfordshire, meaning the earliest I ever got home in the evening was 7pm. Even on the "late" night Thursday shopping hours, everything had closed by the time I was home - except Sainsburys and Boots. That left me with Saturday shopping, and I was often put off by the crowds and the queues, even outside the holiday season.

I definitely agree with you. I don't think shops need to be open 24/7 or even very late. If they made some adjustments, I think things would run a bit more smoothly. I absolutely loathe shopping on the weekends because I'm constantly being pushed and shoved by people who are also in a rush to get their shopping done. No one has patience and I feel like I am in someone's way all the time or someone is in my way. I can't stand the queues to get out of or into retail parks on Sundays at 3:30. I also feel like the rest of the weekend is tied up by when shops are open.

I used to work in retail in the US, so I realise that extended hours can totally suck, but what's going on now isn't any fun either. This is just my opinion of course. :)

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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2012, 12:29:14 PM »
Everyone's lifestyles, shopping styles, etc are different.
I guess I'm in the 'doesn't bother me' camp, because I do most of my shopping online, apart from food shopping... my local Sainsburys is open 8am to 10pm, and I have a small Tesco nearby that opens at 6am.  There's also a 24-hour Asda only 7 minutes drive away if I am desperate to shop at an odd hour.  
In January a new post office is opening nearby, which will be open 7 days a week, so that'll be good... no more wasting my lunch hour standing in a queue to post a parcel!

Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2012, 12:43:40 PM »
I don't really have this problem as everything in central London seems to open later.Is that just here/me?

Selfridges is my number one "I have had a hard day I need to wander around the shops & get a treat" destination and it's open until 9 or 10 most days (they, weirdly change their opening hours week to week).
All of the other shops in and around Oxford street seem to be open until 9, as I often walk down it & window shop, pick stuff up on the way home from work and I habitually leave work later than 8pm. The Sainsburys on TCR is open until midnight.

Pub opening times do annoy me though :/ Really 11pm on a Friday night?! I want more drinks and I don't want to go to a club! Rubbish. I'm thinking about getting a private members club membership again but it seems stupid to have to pay for that just to have quiet drinks until 1 or 2am. I know pubs are supposed to have longer opening hours now but none seem to around here.

Restaurant opening hours annoy me as well, why is it so difficult to get food which isn't subway or Mcdonalds after midnight? There should be some nice diners or something like even an ihop or waffle house so after going out you can sit with your friends, eat some pancakes and then go off home to bed, the only place around here that does that is Tinsel Town and it's in Faringdon.  After nights out my friends and I end up scattering to various night bus stops etc, and it's just not a great end to a night out.

Also the tube should run later! Even if it was just the central and northern line so you could get vaguely east/west/south/north! 12:30 is a ridiculously early time to switch to incredibly slow night buses.

I've not had an issue with mould/damp wherever I lived either so that might be a YMMV thing. I know others have complained about it a lot but it's just never affected anywhere I've lived.
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Re: I love it here, but I need a rant...
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2012, 12:57:37 PM »
Also the tube should run later! Even if it was just the central and northern line so you could get vaguely east/west/south/north! 12:30 is a ridiculously early time to switch to incredibly slow night buses.

Oh yeah... forgot about this!  The underground in Glasgow shuts at 6pm on a Sunday!  SIX!?!?!?!?!  That is completely ridiculous.  I just get a bus instead, but it is slower that way.  Honestly... 6pm?!

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