Well, I went to the interview today. It went pretty well, it was easy enough, but the man got annoyed with me.
He asked me at the end to look over the form he had filled out to make sure everything was correct. I found a field titled, "Address for correspondence", that he had left blank. I said, "Is this for what address you'll send the number to?" He said, "Yes, some people try to change it, but it's really not necessary". I thought that was weird that he just assumed it wasn't necessary. I said, "Well, can we change it to go to my previous address? That's my mother in law's house, and we've had mail stolen at my current address". It was at this point that he seemed to get a little irritated with me because he had to go into the computer and change a few things that took a few minutes.
Still though, it wasn't that big a deal and I didn't feel too bad about it because I felt like he was just trying to cut a corner anyway. Nice guy though, and everything else went smoothly.