I was reading this last night!
I haven’t legally changed my name. On Facebook I’m PlainPearl Maiden-Married, but legally I’m PlainPearl Maiden. I just figured it was easier to have all my legal documents and correspondence under one name. Also, I had nightmares about DH purchasing plane tickets for us and using my married name even though it’s different from my passport, so I thought it best not to confuse the issue.
I’d like to think I’m a feminist. My opinion on the matter is that women should be free to keep their maiden name or change to their husband’s name without catching flack for it. Also, I think it’s perfectly ok for men to take their wive’s surnames. I think it’s ok for the woman to hyphenate or for both parties to hyphenate. I also think it’s ok for a couple to make up a new name. I think people need to do what they feel comfortable with. Their decision really isn’t any of my business.
After I’m done with all the immigration stuff I doubt I will change my name legally. If I do, I’m going to hyphenate it. We don’t plan on having kids, so I’m not worried about “burdening” them with that. If we did have kids, oh well. I know tons of people with hyphenated or double-barreled last names.
People have trouble with surnames hyphenated or not. My surname is also a first name, so in school when teachers took attendance, I was often referred to by my surname or Surname First name. This happened when everyone else in the class was referred to as First Name only or by First then Surname. It’s not that hard, people! DH also has a surname that is a common first name, so I can’t escape this by taking his name either.
I like my maiden name and when I see myself referred to as Mrs. Married or PlainPearl Married, I don’t feel connected to that name and I wonder who that person is. I’m sure it’s something that a lot of women (or men if they change their name) have to adapt to though. However, I’m not offended if I’m referred to by my married name. DH doesn’t care either way. We feel married and we have a piece of paper that says we are, so who cares?
This comment made my blood boil though...
“The idea of men taking their wives' surnames is ridiculous. It is political correctness gone mad. It is yet another assault by the liberal elite on the institution of marriage. But it will not work. Marriage - including all its traditional trappings - works and is the basic building block of our society. Get over it, folks.”
I’m hoping he (she) was a troll, but who knows.