Hello All,
It's been a while since I've posted on here.
Let me give a little background: I am a USC, living in the UK with my husband on a spouse visa. I have been here since November 1, 2011 - under old immigration law. I am eligible to apply for ILR on October 4, 2013. My hubby (UKC) has been offered an internship in the USA in the summer (3 months). I am recently out of work here in the UK and thought I would go with him while he completes the internship and also visit with my family in the US. He would go back to the UK after the internship and I would stay in the US a few months after that for weddings, friend having a baby, etc. I would be away from the UK for about 5 months. I have currently only been out of the UK in the past 1.5 years for 7 weeks (1 week here, 2 weeks there - not all at one time & always traveling with hubby). I see on the SET(M) that you only have to explain absences of 6+ months. My questions are:
1. Will being out of the country for 5 months be an issue when applying for ILR?
2. Since I will be returning without a job, will this be an issue? Hubby may or may not have a job in the UK, but we will have an ample amount in savings from the internship/previous savings in a US bank account (probably $15,000 - $20,000).
3. Will living with his parents be an issue? I'm thinking more from a paperwork point of view in having to provide bills in both names. I have plenty of paperwork with both our names from the past 1.5yrs (we live on our own just now but will live with his family after the internship).
Any help you all can offer would be so appreciated. Just want to know the implications of the decisions we are thinking of making. Thanks!