As per responses above, you can't really recommend one over the other as the service is a 'radio' signal and thus, one operator might have great transmission in an area and another one not so good, and just a mile away it could be reversed. The 'coverage' maps are just a guide really and local conditions, buildings, RF interference, terrain etc all play a part.
You do have a cooling off period if you take a contract out I believe, and if you subsequently find the signal poor in your house or place of work consistently etc, and other colleagues/family and friends etc on different networks get better signal, you can come out of the contract, although don't quote me on that!
A way to help is to perhaps get a £5 top up with each provider and try their service out ? a bit more long winded and a hassle but something to consider?
Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!