As Natty Light is brewed with corn (as most *light* beers are), you're going to be hard pushed to find an equivalent (its probably the sweetness from the corn youre missing from the flavour pallet)
Have you tried looked at the Belgian kriek beers? Theyre fruit flavoured and usually quite strong (most pubs will only serve them in half pints)
My partner has advised to stay away from German beers/ales as they have laws governing what does and doesnt go into their beers (so no corn or rice like Natty) He suggests maybe Stella Artois as a good go to.
In the Ale department, I love, love Thornbridges Brother Rabbit. It gets served relatively cold and is VERY yummy on a hot summer day. Also keep a look out for their Reverend & the Makers brew, as its served on tap and not by hand pump. So it should be relatively cold. Its new and I got to taste it when the debuted it last month. VERY summery (ie chilled and cool) My partner also suggests looking for kolsches like Kuppers.. Hope this helps with your search