I'd been driving for 25 years and I thought it was much harder than the test I took in the US. Much much much harder.
It might have been, as these vary by state anyhow. But, here's the thing: it's also 'much, much, much harder' than the test that UK citizens took 25 years ago. Things change. Certainly, the process my little sister has to go through to get her license is much more involved than what I did 20 years ago, and there are more restrictions on the provisional license.
But at the end of the day, I still think it's largely a matter of perception. I know I was much more nervous on the UK test, because I had something to lose. And I think some driving instructors here make a meal out of making the test seem impossible to pass unless you do everything 100% by their book. But I don't think it's actually true.
At the end of the day, with the exception of the required maneuver (which was optional on my original test, but which I did anyway and passed), I'm hard-pressed to find anything I had to do on the UK test, that I hadn't had to do on my original test: drive for half an hour without breaking the law. It's just not that complicated. The thing that makes it hard for people to pass isn't that it's the 'British' test, it's that after years of driving, we all stop thinking about it and develop bad habits. If we all had to re-test in our home states, I think we'd see the same amount of nerves and similar failure rates.