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Topic: National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)  (Read 5529 times)

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National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)
« on: November 26, 2013, 07:03:04 PM »
Just wanted to share my experience applying for a National Insurance number in case anyone is curious!

So as my job search was progressing and I'd have "proof" of looking for a job I called the Jobcentre Plus Application line to set up an appointment. I first called on the 13th November at like 4:30 and was on hold for several minutes and hung up before getting an answer (as it's not cheap with just a mobile!). So I called first thing the next morning and got through fairly quickly. The woman on the phone was pleasant enough...the nearest location to me was booked so she set me up at City Centre Jobcentre in East London on the 26th (November). I was told to expect a letter in the mail. (She also gave me a reference number).

No letter ever came, but I made my way across the city for my 3pm appointment...arrived a couple minutes early, checked in (where I was asked for my letter and when I said I didn't get one for my reference number. Seemed everyone else that checked in hadn't gotten a letter either) and was put in an area I can only describe as a cattle corral. There was a large group of at least 15+ people milling about plus more on a few couches. Stood and waiting for 5-10 minutes and was called back (in a group of 5...which seemed standard) and told to find a seat in a second waiting area which was full but with a couple seats.

After waiting there for awhile was called over to a desk. My husband tried to come with me but they said since I spoke English he had to wait out there. Not really sure why this is as each desk had two chairs to accommodate interpreters and I needed his NI Number anyway....but whatever he diligently waited in the waiting area.

At the desk he introduced himself, explained that he was making an application for me and it would be sent to Glasgow so the number wouldn't be issued today but I would receive in a few weeks. He asked to see my documents and explained that he would hold on to them after making copies to have them certified and then would be returned to me before I left. He first asked for passport and BRP and marriage certificate. Those are the only things he made copies of. He looked at my bank statement as proof of address to fill it in the form but then just gave it back. Asked if I was looking for a job and I said yes and that I had some e-mail print outs of applications I've made and such but he didn't look at them.

Then he asks me questions on the form. Simple stuff...previous addresses in the UK, when I arrived, if I've ever worked in the UK before, marriage date, husbands full name, his birthdate, and NI Number...so looks like that info is needed (thankfully I remembered while we were waiting and had my husband look it up before I went back!). He miswrote a date (put 07 instead of 08 for August) so fixed it and I had to sign there....then had me sign my copies of things and review and sign the application and have a seat. Now I reviewed the stuff we filled out but didn't bother reading the questions too closely...but I should have...

here's where it gets a bit meh...

After waiting for a bit to get my passport back after the copies are verified he comes over and says he forgot to make copies of my previous student visa and entry stamps and had me sign those and approve a notation he had made on this other comments section of the application. Then has me sit back down.

I wait for awhile longer and another woman comes and calls me back to a desk again. She explains that he is off work now for the day so she's taken over and we need to sort out all my stays in the UK...I had studied in London for a semester in 2008 as an Undergrad which was of course a stay for more than 30 days. She asked where I went while I was here and for how long...the truth is I know the places but not exact dates though I know everything was just weekend trips thurs night/friday morning-sunday night as thats how our schedules allowed. She asked about other trips to the UK since then and I said the longest was two weeks. She made a note of the semester stay and that all other entries and exits were less than 30 days. I apologized for being a pain and she said it was fine, she just wanted to work it out so I didn't have to come back for a second interview.

I'm not sure why the first guy didn't question me on all those as I did mention my semester abroad as an undergrad. Also I'm not sure how my two trips to the states this year are classified...as I was living here and went back for a week but if it all counts as the same stay from my entry on my student visa and subsequent FLR then I guess it's fine....but I can't help be nervous all the changes and additions and something still being unclear might cause a red flag for my application. Especially since I think if the first guy had asked the right questions (or I could have just filled the form out myself!) it would have just been done right the first time!

I mean I'll see what happens...if it all works out then everyone was perfectly pleasant so I'd have no real complaint. At least not other than the fact I had to do this at all. Seems to me if UKBA have approved my leave to remain that gives me permission to work I'm not clear on why there needs to be an application and approval process (or why working/looking for work is a prerequisite). The gentleman at the desk next to me said he was self employed but didn't have any sort of proof with him and the lady told him it would be better to say he's looking for work otherwise his application would be denied. That just seemed odd/unnecessary to me...seems like the burden on the application should just be to prove right to work.

Sorry this got a bit long winded and ranty...I mostly just wanted to share my experience in case anyone else had a similar one (or hopefully better!) or if anyone else has previous 30+ day UK stays to make sure the person notes that. Or in general just to be really careful when reviewing the application...review the whole thing not sure what they've written! Either way hopefully it gets here in the next couple of weeks and I just don't have to worry about it anymore!

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Re: National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 08:44:36 PM »
When I made my application for my NI in January 2013, I went to Leeds. My husband was not even allowed in the Jobcentre, albeit a minuscule area on the first floor. It was crazy busy in there, so maybe they were trying to kick out those who didn't *need* do be in there.

I am self-employed. I was not asked for any proof of "looking" for work. In fact, I told the interviewer that I might not even choose to work for myself (as I had in the States), that I may or may not look for an outside job, etc. Basically told him I was unsure what I was going to do at the point as I hadn't made up my mind. It wasn't any problem nor was I questioned further.
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Re: National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 02:02:40 PM »
I'm glad you had an easy time of it. Obviously I just overheard a bit so there could be and probably is more to that story I just thought it was interesting that they were asking for proof of his self employment and recommending he say he's looking for work instead.

My husband did notice on the way out there was a sign saying due to limited space in the waiting area only interpreters could accompany...but it wasn't visible for the huge crowd of people when we came in and the person at reception didn't say anything so we didn't know! (also he was allowed in the waiting area...it was the desk he couldn't come to)

anyway...at least it's done and I can just wait for the number now!

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Re: National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 02:33:04 PM »
I have to say that after reading posts like these, when I went to apply for mine I was terrified.
However, all I had to do was call Jobcentre Plus. They sent me a form that I filled out and sent back to them. After three weeks my number just came in the mail. No problems at all.
I'm not sure why my process was so simple, but I'm certainly happy that it was!

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Re: National Insurance Number Interview (Nov 2013)
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2013, 08:25:38 PM »
I had to go to Taunton for mine in late October. I was told when I called to make the appointment that I had to come alone. I got there about 15 minutes early (would've been even earlier but I got lost on the walk from the train station!) and was told I was too early and they couldn't let me in yet! So after wandering around Boots for a few minutes I was let in, but the lady I was assigned to wasn't ready yet, so I had to sit and wait for another 15 minutes. After all that walking I was happy to just sit and catch my breath, but I was a bit annoyed that I had to keep waiting as there were two other women who didn't have any bookings for awhile. When it was finally my turn everything went fine for the most part. She got weirdly annoyed with me because I'd had a couple of six week visits, and for some reason she was ticked off about spending an extra five seconds writing. I also didn't know my husband's NI number, but she said it was okay and not actually necessary. If she was gonna get snappy about anything it should've been that!

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