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Topic: FBAR e-filing  (Read 2880 times)

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Re: FBAR e-filing
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2013, 10:01:53 PM »

Can you do a joint return using this system?  Because the link says "individual return" and I was wondering if we would now have to each file a return.  In the past, my wife and I have filed a joint paper return.

I looked at the registration process.  There are two steps, the second of which is "download the forms reader."  Am I understanding this correctly?  We need to download software to file?  Why is this so convoluted?

Timing ... I'm going abroad, to England, until mid March.  Can I safely leave this all till late March?  Is the deadline still June, like it was with the good old, simple, paper form?

I just gave the site a try and if you have adobe reader you don't need to download any other software.
Dual USC/UKC living in the UK since May 2016

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Re: FBAR e-filing
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2014, 09:07:44 PM »
Thanks theOAP, charmaine and durhamlad for those good answers and insights!

I'm sure the online filing will be easy, just (as with anything else) doing it the same way I did it last year and the year before would have been easier.  One advantage of online filing that I foresee is that presumably a printable receipt is generated, which should give peace of mind compared to the US mail options ... I paid for registered some years but other years just sent it off in the mail, sometimes I phoned later to see if it had been received, others not.

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Re: FBAR e-filing
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2014, 05:18:55 PM »
I've been taking a look at the new e-file FBAR system. I'll miss the old TD F 90-22.1 paper form, but times move on I guess...

I'm curious to learn about form 114(a) and what others may do when you have a none U.S. Person (NRA) spouse and a jointly owned account. I understand that some simply state 'spouse' and 'NRA' in the relevant fields of the old FBAR and do no more. Reading the instructions of the 114(a), it states that those that have an obligation to file must complete the form, but an NRA spouse that is not required to file a tax return, clearly would not be compelled to undertake signing this form? I'd be interested to hear what others think about 114(a) and how they would also handle the joint account section of the new on-line 114 FBAR too.


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Re: FBAR e-filing
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2014, 02:31:02 PM »
Good questions, Barcrest.  We are new to this and scratching our heads already.
Married and moved to UK 1974
Returned to US 1995
Irish citizenship June 2009
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Retirement July 2012
Leeds in 2013!
ILR (Long Residence) 22 March 2016

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