Oh my God, I got an email from Sheffield that came through at 5:30 a.m. my time (East Coast). A decision has been made! This is only six days after I sent my application to Sheffield via UPS. I did send it priority (from the outset, not an upgrade). I was expecting to wait maybe 2 or 3 weeks since our financial stuff is not the most simple (my husband is self employed through a limited company) and I thought they would take their time verifying everything. But it came through in SIX DAYS!
Well, saying that, I hope it is a GOOD decision. I should get everything back within a couple days since I did include a return label with the package. I am even shaking a little as I type this. My husband and I have been long distance for more than two-and-a-half years.
I just hope they pay attention to the intended fly date that I put in my application, which is August 25. As eager as I am to join my husband, I need time here to wrap up my affairs (give notice, turn car back in, get root canal, etc. etc.). If I get the visa, I don't want it to be 30 days of craziness from the time the package arrives back here.