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Topic: Any updates from recent applicants?  (Read 198464 times)

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1500 on: July 10, 2015, 04:09:45 PM »
I agree with others that the priority system is wrong - it's a two tier system.

I'm so depressed right now.   Spent the priority money and UKVI have refused to take the upgrade and VFSGlobal have not responded to my email.

My father has weeks to live, and I'm about to become a single parent in the UK with my spouse of 15 years stuck in the US.

Could you email Sheffield at their email address again and explain the situation with the rejection email (and the fact that everyone else here who has upgraded after the fact in the last few days has had their visa processed quickly) and with your father? They may be able to consider the application under compassionate circumstances.

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1501 on: July 10, 2015, 04:14:22 PM »
I agree with others that the priority system is wrong - it's a two tier system.

I'm so depressed right now.   Spent the priority money and UKVI have refused to take the upgrade and VFSGlobal have not responded to my email.

My father has weeks to live, and I'm about to become a single parent in the UK with my spouse of 15 years stuck in the US.

That  is really important. Have you emailed that to Sheffield? When I sent the priority  upgrade, this was part of the generic   response:


We are unable to expedite any applications unless they are exceptional and/or compelling reasons to do so, e.g. a serious medical reason for travel. Prepaid flight tickets or hotel bookings are not considered to be a compelling reason to prioritise an application. If you are making an enquiry that relates to compassionate or compelling circumstances please include as much information as possible

(X posted)

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1502 on: July 10, 2015, 04:32:53 PM »
i've resent the priority receipt using the email format that silverbrooke so helpfully posted in reply 1483.  I'll see if it works this time or if we get a second rejection on the priority upgrade.

I've also emailed VFS global to ask advice.

Hopefully we'll get some updates on Monday.

Wishing you all a good weekend and thanks for the advice / thoughts - I'm flying to Heathrow tonight with our cat.

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1503 on: July 10, 2015, 05:37:26 PM »
I'm so sorry they are being stinky to you.  I hope re-sending in that format helps, I wasn't expecting anything quickly, but hopefully they will reconsider.

Did they actually tell you nope, not doing it?  Or did they just not answer?
June 13th: Married  June 14th: Applied online
June 18th: Biometrics and posted documents
July 8th:  Retroactively upgraded to Priority
July 10th: Email with decision and documents shipped

Feb 1: Here we go again
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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1504 on: July 10, 2015, 06:15:54 PM »
They replied saying nope - can't do it.   This is the email



Thank you for contacting UK Visas and Immigration international enquiry

With regards to your query ,  the applicant must purchase the user
services(Priority service, SMS text service, Couriered back service) before
submission of document at visa application centre.

We strongly recommend not to book prepaid travel and accommodation before
receiving the visa.

For any further details, or should you need to contact us again please
refer to our website at https://ukvi-international.faq-help.com/, select
appropriate country, click next and then select “E-Mail form” and
complete as instructed. We will aim to come back to you within 1 day.

Kind regards,

UK Visas and Immigration International Enquiry Service

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1505 on: July 10, 2015, 06:24:48 PM »
That is terrible. And, I don't  understand  why you're  getting  responses from the enquiry  service  and not  directly  from Sheffield. Maybe try again next week?

Doesn't  make sense that others have successfully  upgraded  but you can't.

Very frustrating.

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1506 on: July 10, 2015, 09:00:32 PM »

I have emailed VFS global to ask their advice: I'd recommend others wait to hear what happens before potentially wasting $500-$700 like we might have done.  The incompetence in this whole process is staggering.

We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the
service you received from us to identify strengths and opportunities for


I have 2 responses.  The first is full of swears. What a nightmare. Seriously.  That's insane. I am so sorry.
The second is, I really hope you take that survey and tell them what you think.   
Met in 1999 online
Married in 2002 on US Visa
Applied for UK Visa May 2015
Waiting dramatically for a response.
Plan to move to the UK Early Autumn 2015

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1507 on: July 10, 2015, 09:04:41 PM »
spudguy- your priority must have accounted for because my application (non priority) was acknowledged June 9th and I've heard nothing since.

I keep going back and forth whether I should try and upgrade.  I'm in a bind because I'm supposed to let my job know before the start of the school year in August. (I'm a teacher). Any suggestions?

Does anyone have suggestions on whether I should try to upgrade? Or if I continue waiting,
Isn't it so difficult? I am sure that the priority upgrade must have sped things up as you know several have been waiting longer than that.  I still don't plan to upgrade. My husband says "let's just keep planning forward like it's a given and hope for the best".
Met in 1999 online
Married in 2002 on US Visa
Applied for UK Visa May 2015
Waiting dramatically for a response.
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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1508 on: July 10, 2015, 09:19:46 PM »
SDT99 I'd go get ballistic cross on them.

They told me "we do not encourage you to purchase the priority service after you have submitted your application as it could take a minimum of 24 hours to locate your application and link your priority receipt. Once your application is located, it will be prioritized."

So email their butts back.  I just wish there was a better way to get in touch with them.
June 13th: Married  June 14th: Applied online
June 18th: Biometrics and posted documents
July 8th:  Retroactively upgraded to Priority
July 10th: Email with decision and documents shipped

Feb 1: Here we go again
April 5: Sent off FLR(M)
June 4: I've got another 30 months!

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1509 on: July 10, 2015, 10:03:04 PM »
Between UKVI's mistake with my package last week and now sdt99 being unable to upgrade for the time being, seems like the only thing they're doing well lately is getting the priority applications quickly processed. It's completely wrong, esp. considering the compassionate circumstances. I would just keep emailing them, be very assertive, be an advocate for yourself.

I've discussed it with my husband and he doesn't want to upgrade. Not just because of the huge cost but also because he's convinced the visa will come through within, at very most, a month (I applied in late May). Reading what sdt has gone through though, makes me leery of upgrading at this point too.

I agree- like so many other things in life, the process it totally bias towards those with money. I shudder to think how high the financial requirements and visa fees will be in the next several years.
4/2015 Married
7/2015 Spousal visa granted
8/2015 Moved to England
10/2020 ILR granted

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1510 on: July 12, 2015, 12:19:44 AM »
Isn't it so difficult? I am sure that the priority upgrade must have sped things up as you know several have been waiting longer than that.  I still don't plan to upgrade. My husband says "let's just keep planning forward like it's a given and hope for the best".

I know-- this whole upgrading to priority is making me so frustrated. I understand that it is an option for people to make the process quicker, but I still feel like there has to be some sort of fairness to the system. (No offense to people who are doing it). I keep thinking about what is happening to us non-priority settlement applications. Do we just keep going further under the pile??

Now that I am seeing people's go quickly through after upgrading to priority, it is making it look very appealing. However, I might just wait another week or so and cross my fingers, legs, arms and toes. For all who are waiting!  ;)

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1511 on: July 12, 2015, 04:00:38 PM »
Oh my God, I got an email from Sheffield that came through at 5:30 a.m. my time (East Coast). A decision has been made! This is only six days after I sent my application to Sheffield via UPS. I did send it priority (from the outset, not an upgrade). I was expecting to wait maybe 2 or 3 weeks since our financial stuff is not the most simple (my husband is self employed through a limited company) and I thought they would take their time verifying everything. But it came through in SIX DAYS!

Well, saying that, I hope it is a GOOD decision. I should get everything back within a couple days since I did include a return label with the package. I am even shaking a little as I type this. My husband and I have been long distance for more than two-and-a-half years.

I just hope they pay attention to the intended fly date that I put in my application, which is August 25. As eager as I am to join my husband, I need time here to wrap up my affairs (give notice, turn car back in, get root canal, etc. etc.). If I get the visa, I don't want it to be 30 days of craziness from the time the package arrives back here.

April 2015: married
May 2015: submitted online application, set biometric appointment, realized we needed more time to gather paperwork which would exceed 30 days, freaked out, canceled applications, waited for refunds
June 25: submitted online application again
July 2: attended biometrics
July 6: package mailed to Sheffield with priority
July 8: package delivered to Sheffield
July 10: received acknowledgment email from Sheffield
July 12: received "decision has been made" email from Sheffield
July 15: passport returned by post with 30-day visa

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1512 on: July 12, 2015, 04:09:13 PM »
Congratulations Matilda76 !! Plz share the BRP details; if any; when you get your visa. It's just not very clear how the BRP is being implemented. Thanks.

Wait is one for all non-priority !! Anyone from May non-priority been issued visa??

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1513 on: July 12, 2015, 04:11:42 PM »
Thanks, Shants555! Sorry to be dim, but what is BRP? I'm so excited that I'm forgetting all my acronyms!
April 2015: married
May 2015: submitted online application, set biometric appointment, realized we needed more time to gather paperwork which would exceed 30 days, freaked out, canceled applications, waited for refunds
June 25: submitted online application again
July 2: attended biometrics
July 6: package mailed to Sheffield with priority
July 8: package delivered to Sheffield
July 10: received acknowledgment email from Sheffield
July 12: received "decision has been made" email from Sheffield
July 15: passport returned by post with 30-day visa

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Re: Any updates from recent applicants?
« Reply #1514 on: July 12, 2015, 04:20:19 PM »
BRP is Biometrics Residence Permit (ID card) -  instead of a visa sticker in the passport. If you follow the below link you can find more information. So far I heard you and AM Angler have been issued visa (both priority) recently, so it would be helpful when you receive the visa to share with all of us what you got.


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