I have to say I can relate, this is the first year that my son could poke around on his own with his group of friends and do his own thing for halloween, and he so desperately was looking forward to getting loads of candy like ya do back in the states, he came in with a measley 5 pcs of candy and cursed the country and said he wanted to go home, I was amazed at his reaction, but I actually cried inside for him, I urged him to go out and try somewhere else, another street, another block, for more, pumped him up told him to overcome them and do what he could, so he did, he came out in the end with a little plastic bowl of candy, swore next year he was going home to trick or treat and that was the end of it, sad really that it has to be that way, why spend so much money on fireworks for the adults (to drink by and hoot at really) when the kids get such a thrill out of dressing up knocking on doors and showin off their costumes more than anything? and what's so bad with a little sweet at every stop as a reward for being so creative? URGH *prays to god next year isn't a flop*