Exit controls reintroduced in Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Dover, possibly Manchester?. Forward entry controls on the continent. The new list of au pair countries. Starting the roll-out of the new VAF forms. Flatting of the tribunal structure. Some internal rules to try and sort out the chronic and now rampant corruption in Moscow, Saint Petersburg. Lots of stuff about asylum. And another refurbishment of the rules re the Euro enlargement. That's what I know about happening between now and January 2005. None of it really affects you.
In April 2005, there's another amendment series to the WP rules; changes to the LTC; also fixing a loophole in the PS visa (oops!); more stuff on the new biometrics; a tightening of the rules for the accreditation of "English schools" (it's about time); and the first part of TOC comes in to force; possibly a restatement to the naturalisation rules for illegitimates. Still doesn't affect you.
Presumably, the new tactic of having plainclothes IND officers riding the tube and listening for non-British accents will be introduced in other UK cities, but that's just a guess.
Does anybody here know of anything else in the pipeline?