For's just the TSP (which I plan to keep, if for no other reason than the G fund), I have no other IRA. That's one of the reasons I would think my taxes should be about as easy as they could be in my situation (but still confusing as heck). My pension isn't very big ($15,348yr and it's US Govt so UK doesn't care?). My SS won't be very big ($16,000 and US doesn't care). My Vanguard outside of the ROTH will only have about $100K once I sell off one more biggish chunk after the start of the year. Then the total cash when we move it over to the UK will be about 300KPounds. That will pretty well disappear after the first year or so. I will still need to keep on account (probably in the UK) big enough (33K+Pounds) to cover the next pension money etc knocks the VISA cash requirement down to about 33KPounds. If the US taxes don't care diddle about my SS.....then when I hit 62 I can keep selling around $10K out of my TSP every year to stay in the filing separate 15% bracket. Sooner or later I won't be able to avoid going over into the 25% bracket.....but as OAP has repeatedly said..... "suck it up". I wish I had enough money as durhamlad and had to worry about the higher tax brackets.......but I don't, and what we have seems to me to be more than enough for us to live comfortably. We spent the equivalent of less than 20KPounds last year.
Many many thanks to the people that have kept this discussion going....OAP, nun, durhamlad.....and in another month or so I am likely to start cranking out posts on the VISA side of the forum. At this point I at least feel like I have half a plan in place on the money side of things. And as I pointed out earlier today to my wife.... "When we win the lotto back in the's got to be in your name!!!" I don't need any "Boris" issues to deal with.