SO I think I've been guilty of looking at the internet and believing what I saw when it comes to FTC baskets and pensions.
So OAP would you agree with this.
Dividends, interest, rent, capital gains.....passive basket
Pensions, earned income..........general basket
The "certain income resource by treaty" red herring is addressed in this exchange by people way more knowledgable that me.
Check the definitions for passive and general in the instructions for 1116.
IMHO, dividends, interest, rent, and capital gains are passive income.
Earned income goes in the General basket.
The taxpayer should consult either a qualified accountant, or the IRS.
A qualified accountant may strongly advise that income from a registered UK pension in the drawdown phase should go into the General basket. There is an interpretation of the Code which strongly substantiates this position. If the IRS disagrees with this position, it will be the place of the accountant to justify the position taken.
If the taxpayer requests, from the IRS, a written (unofficial) position to determine which basket the income from a registered UK pension in the drawdown phase is placed, the IRS may strongly advise it goes in the Passive basket. If the IRS were to later disagree with their position, it will be the place of the taxpayer to justify the position taken.
No (unofficial) written or spoken advice from either an IRS agent, or an IRS Email or telephone Help Site constitutes official/legal advice.
And did I mention, all this is IMHO only.