Woah... my whole perception has just been drastically altered!! I thought I'd been refused entry!! I can't find the paperwork any longer- we sold our house and shipped most of our belongings to the UK already, so if they aren't packed with our stuff (which I couldn't access if I wanted to), they are long gone by now.
As you weren't actually refused entry, I don't know that there would have been any paperwork anyway. They might have just made a note in your passport or on the electronic system, but you usually only get paperwork if you've actually been refused entry.
So I answered yes to being refused entry on the online application- can I change that now?! Because technically I was not!! And I suppose if I can alter the application, I should mention this incident still, correct?
Yes, you can just cross it out on the printed form and correct it in by hand. No one will see your application form until you mail it to them, so the fact that you did it wrong online is irrelevant.
As you will have the correction on the form, I would still mention it in your cover letter, just to be clear on what happened and to show you are not hiding anything - just explain that you were detained but allowed into the UK for 3 days and mistakenly thought this meant you'd been refused entry.
Anonymiss- you mention a waybill. Since my husband will be the one sending this, how should he go about getting one of these? (I had to google 'waybill' because i'd never heard the term before!)
You need to sort it out from the US because they will only return your documents and passport to your US address and will charge your US shipping account for the postage. So, you just include the details of the waybill in your package when you mail it to your husband.
Basically, you just need to set up an online account with UPS or DHL and then either try to set up a waybill online, or I think you can just provide UKVI with your shipping account number so they can charge your account with the return shipping once the visa has been processed. Don't try to use FedEx as it is no longer accepted by UKVI for return shipping.
See here for more information on the waybill and return shipping:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/usa-apply-for-a-uk-visa/apply-for-a-uk-visa-in-the-usa#post-your-applicationYou should be overnighting your documents to your husband by either UPS or DHL anyway as they are the fastest and safest way to do it, especially if you are short of time for the documents arriving. I would budget approximately $100-200 to ship it to him and then a similar amount again for UKVI to return everything to you.
You (and your husband) will need to include photocopies of every single original document that you wish to be returned to you, as if you don't include copies they may keep your originals (and chances are you'll need them again in the future).